I am working on a design that uses an LM25066I. The total load is about 500 watts (12V, 40A). I have ran my design through the Excel design tool many times.
The problem is that the FET is not turning ON. I was scoping the gate voltage and I have not seen any voltage. I checked the timer pin and I was trying to match it with capture provided in the datasheet. From the datasheet, the voltage at the timer pin rises to 1.7V and then back to 0V. The capacitor is 100nF. What I see on the scope is that the timer pin reaching 1.7V and then halfway through its discharging phase, it starts the "automatic restart sequence". It definitely is going into a fault condition but not sure what the fault may be since the FET never turned ON. It cannot be over current or power limit.
Any help is highly appreciated.