I'm designing a charger using BQ24167. I'd like to only use the IN input, ignoring the USB-input.
Can I do any of the following:
- Leave USB floating and omit the 1μF capacitor;
- Omit the 4.7μF capacitor on PMIDU;
- Leave USB1, USB2, USB3 floating;
Do you have other recommendations for this scenario?
Regarding USB1, USB2 and USB3 there are conflicting statements in the datasheet:
One says: Driving IUSB1, IUSB2, and IUSB3 all high places the bq24167 in High Impedance mode where the buck converter is shutdown regardless if an input is connected to USB or IN.
Another point in datasheet says: USB1, USB2 and USB3 have no effect on the IN input.
Point 2:
/PG and /CHG are open drain outputs active low, there is no mention about pull up recomendation to connect to a MCU, are externall pull ups required on MCU voltage level to connect to MCU interface?
Point 3:
I am planning to add externall pull-ups from MCU IO level on pins /CE, /PG and /CHG. Is there a current consumption from BQ24167 pins when pull-ups are active and VIN is not present?