Hi Britton,
Couple of last questions before I release the design.
1. The output cap. configuration in the Excell calculator tool suggests a feed forward cap. for the 6 100uF ceramics I've included in the design, but not for 5 100uF ceramics on the output.
Should I remove a capacitor or insert a feed forward cap? Which one is the feedforward cap?
2. For inductor selection: I've chosen a 330nH inductor with DC resistance .165mOhms, Isat 65A and Irated 47.5A.
My load current is ~26A and my KIND is .3 for this design.
I'm a little confused looking at an inductor current waveform which parts would be labeled iripple max/min, Ipeak...
My understanding is I should be fine with an inductor with a rated current of 47.5A for a 26A load application. The temperature should only rise ~10K according to the datasheet for 26A
and the Inductor shouldn't saturate and begin to have inductance values change given its 67A sat current rated inductor.
When you get a chance could you provide me with a sanity check on the above information I provided?
Thank you,