TPS63021: The operating conditions of the PG pin (Open Drain output ON/OFF)

Part Number: TPS63021


Dear Specialists,

My customer has a question about the operating conditions of the PG pin (OC output ON/OFF) of TPS63021?

I would be grateful if you could advise.


Could you please let me know about the operating conditions of the PG terminal (Open Drain output ON/OFF)?

- According to "7.3.4 Power Good" on page 10 of the data sheet,

it says that when the "average inductor current limit" is reached, the PG output becomes low impedance (OC output ON).

What current is the "average inductor current limit"? (Is it a signal inside the IC or outside the IC?)

Are the reference values ​​stated in the data sheet?

- If there are any other ON/OFF operating conditions for the PG terminal besides the above, could you please let me know.


I appreciate your great help in advance.

Best regards,


  • Hi  Shinichi-san,

    It is a signal inside, you can find Isw in EC table which also means averange inductor current limit.,



  • Hi Tao,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I understand average inductor current limit of 7.3.4 average inductor current limit = average switch current limit of 6.5 Electrical Characteristics

    I'll share your answer with the customer.

    When the customer has an additional question, I consult you again.

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hi   Shinichi,

    You are welcome. let me know if they have any further questions, i will close this thread first, but you can re-open it once you need.



  • Hi Tao,

    Thank you for your reply.

    The customer has an additional question.

    Could you please advise?


    (1) With regard to the “average inductor current limit” or “ISW average switch current limit”,

    Where in the TPS63021 is the current being measured?

    For example, does it refer to the current flowing into the L1 or L2 terminal?

    Or is it a current that is generated inside the IC and cannot be measured outside the IC?

    (2) If the current flowing into the L1 or L2 terminal is being monitored,

    I think the following should be understood, is that correct?

    When the current of the L1 or L2 terminal is 4000mA (±500mA) or more, the OC output of the PG terminal is OFF,

    and when the current is 4000mA (±500mA) or less, the OC output of the PG terminal is ON.


    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hi  Shinichi-san,

    Current sense is always based on buck high side FET internal. which means measure the voltage difference between node Vin and L1.

    In buck mode, since the current follow this FET is discontinious, device will generate the falling eage of incutor current based on different conditions.



  • Hi Tao,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I understand current sense measures between Vin and L1.

    The measured current is averaged inside the device, and when it exceeds the average inductor current limit threshold, PG turns off, and when it falls below the current limit threshold, PG turns on. Is that correct?

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hi  Shinichi-san,

    Yes, you are 100% correct.



  • Hi Tao,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I'll share the information with the customer.

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hi  Shinichi-san,

    You are welcome, futher reply may delayed because i am out of office from tomorrow to coming Turseday.

