Good afternoon. Our project uses the BQ25600 Charger, and we encountered the following issues during use:
During device operation, under certain conditions, we observed that the VBUS_GD register was set to 0. Therefore, we monitored the VBUS voltage waveform and found that, in the corresponding scenario, the VBUS voltage dropped to 4.7V (the specific waveform is shown below).
According to the datasheet, the conditions for the VBUS_GD register to be set to 0 are: VAC voltage above VVAC_OV, VBUS voltage below VVBUSMIN when pulling IBADSRC (please help confirm if this understanding is correct?). However, the voltage drop we measured only reached 4.7V. Why would this trigger the VBUS_GD register to be set to 0?
Based on the above, could you help clarify what might trigger the VBUS_GD register of the BQ25600 to be set to 0? This will help us more clearly locate the issue. Thank you very much.