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BQ24715: charging over current issue

Part Number: BQ24715



一、In Power off status, maximize charging current is 5v/1.9A 关机充电时,新PCB(V1.2)出现大电流(最大5V/1.9A)
 二、In Power up status, In Power off Maximize charging current is 5v/2.5A 开机过程中,插上充电器+电池时,新PCB(V1.2)出现大电流(最大5V/2.5A)
 三、In Wake up status, maximize charging current is 5v/2.5A 唤醒过程中,插上充电器+电池时,新PCB(V1.2)出现大电流(最大5V/2.5A)
 四、Actual testing current is lager than setup in reBQ24715芯片大电流分析表 20240913.pptxgisters of chip MB-V1.2-20240724.ascMB-V1.2-20240724.asc软件设置充电电流,实际从电池端串联电流表测试出来的电流比软件设置的大很多