I have a TPS65988DJEVM and I'm working on flash update using the logic explained in slvae21.pdf (and slva783a.pdf ) using a stm32 over I2C interface.
I can update the flash on the evm using a low region binary if the flash is already programmed with a previous valid flash image (using Application Customization Tool over SPI). This part is OK and working. I can change the flash FW with a new binary without any problems.
However if I erase the flash first (with Customization Tools) and try to program again from EC over I2C I get regionX.invalid and regionX flags set in the boot flags and can't program the flash. I also tried to use a full flash image and/or tried to set region and pointer addresses using 'FLrr and FLad' but same thing happens.
SW checks region0 and region 1 flags and can't satisfy the conditions below (as in page 8 of slvae21a.pdf document)
if(0 == p_bootflags->region1)
else if ( (1 == p_bootflags->region1) && \
(1 == p_bootflags->region0) && \
((0 == p_bootflags->region1crcfail) && \
(0 == p_bootflags->region1flasherr) && \
(0 == p_bootflags->region1invalid)) )
Is there a way to program the flash when it's erased initially using FLxx commands or is it only possible using Application Customization Tool (over SPI)?
Or am I missing some steps for empty flash update?
Can you please help clarify this?
Thank you