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BQ25185: 1A output

Part Number: BQ25185



I confused about output amper.

I got 18650 4.2Vmax battery, for 1A Output what should I put the ILIM/VSET and ISET resistors?

  • Hello,

    Here are the recommended resistor values based on your requirements:

    ILIM/VSET resistor: 13 kΩ

    Refer to Table 8-1 in section 8.3.6 "ILIM/VSET Control" of the BQ25185 datasheet. For VBATREG = 4.2 V and ILIM = 1.1 A, the ILIM/VSET resistor should be 13 kΩ.

    ISET resistor: 301 Ω

    Refer to section "ISET Pin Detection" of the BQ25185 datasheet. For a 1A fast charge current, the ISET resistor is calculated to be 300 Ω (with 301Ω being the closest standard E96 value).

    RISET = (KISET) / (ICHG) = (300 AΩ) / (1 A) = 300 Ω

    Please note that KISET, typically 300 AΩ, is a gain factor found in the electrical specification section of the datasheet.

    I highly recommend using the E96 series (±1% tolerance) of resistors to minimize charge current error.

    Best regards,

    Alec Lehman

  • Hello Dear Alec,

    My final schematic is atteched;


    Is it legal to use /CE like that way? and any advice or something wrong in my schematic?

    Best Regards

  • Hello,

    The only issue I see with your schematic is that /CE is always pulled up, which means that charge will always be disabled. I recommend connecting /CE to ground if you intend to always have charge enabled.

    Best regards,

    Alec Lehman