Hello All, We have used this IC for the Buck Boost operation from 6V to 29V. Desired output = 24V, Desired Maximum Load current = 8A. It was giving 23.9V Properly even when we change the input voltage in the specified range. We are supplying 24V to this IC from a standard half brick which can can give upto 16A. When we load this LM5176-Q1 buck boost (with 24V input and 24V output), It was working properly till 8A and it trips after that. This operation is well known according to the IC hiccup mode current limit feature. But after 8A, this buck boost stage made input side also to trips. We have checked this. After 8A, the standard power brick itself is tripping and shutting down. When we load power brick separately, we were able to get till 15.5A. In Buck-boost stage, there was nothing much current ripples even not voltage ripples. Didn't get this behaviour properly. Attached schematic.