We are testing the BQ25172 linear NiMH Battery Charger on our new product in development. From our findings, when we set up a 1-Cell NiMH battery as the device to be charged and the BQ25172 (VSET) is set to '1-Cell', the BQ25172 doesn't charge, but a fault condition is created. Below are the conditions that were set up on the BQ25172. All resistor tolerances used in this testing are 0.1 %.
Vin: 5V (USB-A)
VSET: 62 kΩ = 1-Cell
ISET: 2 kΩ = 150 mA
TMR: 11 kΩ = 14 hours
NiMH Target Battery (V): 1.20 Volts
VOUT: 2.33 Volts
However, when we set up the (VSET) node to a 2-cell (36 kΩ), the NiMH battery chargers at 150 mA, which didn't charge at all before using the 1-cell selection.
Vin: 5V (USB-A)
VSET: 32 kΩ = 2-Cell
ISET: 2 kΩ = 150 mA
TMR: 11 kΩ = 14 hours
NiMH Target Battery (V): 1.23 Volts
VOUT: 2.33 Volts
One fact to note is that when the VSET was set up for a 2-cell battery, the Vout voltage didn't change between 1-cell and 2-cell; the value output was still 2.33 Volts. However, when the VSET is set to a 4-cell battery, the Vout voltage changes to 4.6 Volts. So when VSET is switched back to a 1-cell battery, Vout is still 2.33 Volts. Unsure if that is the minimal output voltage for the BQ25172 or if there is a layout issue with our BQ25172 on the PCB.
Also, in the figure below, why don't the recommended operating conditions specify the minimum voltage for VOUT and the minimum current for IOUT?
We intend to use a 1-cell NiMH battery and not set up this BQ25172 IC for a 2-cell, so the charger will stop charging when the battery is fully charged. Using a 2-cell configuration on a 1-cell battery will impede the charger's logic from working correctly in our situation.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.