Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ25798
We're using BQ25798 IC but facing some issues. We always get "not charging" status, even on default mode (without programming our own configuration to the chip). By dumping all registers' contents, we find that TS_HOT_FLAG = 1. and at the "STAT" pin, the signal toggles at 0.7 Hz. In order to reduce eventual problems, we tried to force the potential on the TS pin so that we're on the good range of TS, with two identical resistors of 47 K connected between VREGN and GND. We measured VREGN = 5 V and effectively got the voltage on TS pin near to 2.5 V. Please give some information on what is the corresponding voltage range for a good temperature. Can we leave 2.5 V on the TS pin? Why is the TS_HOT_FLAG set to 1 with this voltage?
Thanks a lot!
PS: I attached the registers' value BQ_registry_read.xlsx