I want to understand about BQ25185DLHR DATASHEET.
1, P7 About KISET
1.What is the meaning of the formula in KISET Charge current setting factor, ICHG = KISET / RISET?
I understand that the current that can flow through the SYS terminal is correct?
KISET here is TYP 300Ω
RISET is ISET terminal is data sheet P1
Do you mean Simplified Schematic 1K?
2, ILIM/VSET of data sheet P1
Table 8-1. ILIM and VBATREG Resistor Map on page 16 of the data sheet
Do you mean the register?
ILIM/VSET is interpreted as a resistance that determines the upper limit of current when charging.
Is that correct?
ILIM1100 has an upper limit of current when charging: 1100mA
Is it okay to charge the ILIM500 with an upper limit of 500mA?
What happens if the ILIM/VSET resistance values are different?
I would like to use 9.1K, but it is difficult to obtain, so I am trying to use 10K. What will happen?
Example 1: There is no 9.1K, so use 10.0K
Regarding the above
please tell me.