I met a problem that happened asas i stop the device.
- Firstly, i'd like to introduce my project, a battery(3cells 12.6V), A motor(8000rpm~30000rpm), maxmum 60W, use a 100W(20V/5A, I_charge is 1.5A) PD adapter to charge tha battery.
- What's my trouble, when the device running at 8000rpm~30000rpm during charging, it works normally, but if i presed the stop button and stop the devcie( stop the motor), when ASAS the motor stopped the BQ24616 will stop working. Iam not sure for what reason the IC enter a unknown mode, but if i plug out the PD adapter and plug in again, the charging works again.
For there are a high Back electromotive force occurs when stop the motor, i am not sure is this EMF affected the B24616 or other reasons.
Could you please give me some advice or analyze for this case?
Eg. what mode it was enter under this condition. How to resolve, etc.