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TPS7A83A: power dissipation

Part Number: TPS7A83A



For TPS7A8300ARGRR, the power dissipation per formula 11 is as below. 

VIN 6.5V, Vout 3.3V, Iload 0.196A

Normally for LDOs, Power dissipation is  calculated as [(VIN-VOUT)*Iout + (VIN*Ground current)]. Can the power dissipation due to (VIN*GND current) be ignored for this LDO?


  • Hi Nandini,

    When the device is operated at load, the power dissipation due to the biasing current is often less than 1% of the total power dissipation, so it's usually neglected. With that said, the biasing current power dissipation is still there, so if you want the most accurate power dissipation calculation you should include it.

