Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA928
I am working on requires powering an op amp (OPA928) via dual +/- 3V DC supply with low noise. I am constraint to a single power supply channel. This is my first time trying to design a power supply circuit so I read the technical article “The Top Three Ways to Split a Voltage Rail to a Bipolar Supply” from TI and found that the LM27762 seemed to be a good option for my needs. I spent the day reading the datasheet and tried using the WEBENCH tool as the datasheet suggested, but when I input the LM27762 in the search bar it cannot “find” the part. Additionally, there is not a TINA TI macro for me to test the IC. As such, I am attempting to configure this IC with the information available in the datasheet and was hoping to get some feedback and clarify a few points for the design of this IC for my project needs.
Using the Simplified Schematic above as a reference for my inquiries. As I am aiming for low noise and ripple, I used Fig 1&2 to select my VIN and IOUT to be 3.7 V and +/- 80 mA, respectively. My VOUT+ and VOUT- is intended to be ≈ 3 V and -3 V, respectively. I picked resistors R1, and R3 to be 115 kΩ (for R2 = R4 = 75 kΩ) based on the equations provided in the datasheet and ensuring R2 and R4 ≥ 50kΩ to attain my wanted VOUT+ and VOUT- . From these parameters and knowing the expected power dissipation of the IC (PD) to be 97 mW which is well below the max power dissipation for safe operation at 25°C (PD-max ≈ 1.6 W). As I will be operating with fairly low current (I think) the capacitor values CCP, CIN, C1, COUT+ and COUT- I plan on using are 4.7 uF, 4.7 uF, 1 uF, 2.2 uF and 2.2 uF respectively.
1. My main question is with respect estimating the necessary headroom (i.e., selecting VIN, OUT+ and OUT-) appropriately. The datasheet mentions I can estimate the headroom with the maximum load current and charge pump output resistance (RCP). I feel comfortable extrapolating RCP from Fig. 4, however, I can’t seem to grasp how to estimate/quantify the maximum load current. How do I estimate this max load current? And once I do have this value, do I just use Ohms law to determine the headroom?
2. My second question is with respect to selecting capacitance values for C1 as I am currently simply using what the datasheet specifies for the quoted electrical characteristics. Is there an equation I can use for the selection of C1?
Apologies if any of these inquiries are mundane/common knowledge in power electronics. I have not acquired formal education in this are yet.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I appreciate any insight or design regarding my use of the LM27762.