LM61460-Q1: We use TINA tools to simulate DC/DC Power-off transient, then we find that DC/DC output generates a undershoot

Part Number: LM61460-Q1


Dear TI friends

We use TINA tools to simulate DC/DC Power-off transient, then we find that DC/DC output generates a undershoot when input  is turned off.

Could you help us to sovle this problem?


  • Hello

    I suspect the ringing is coming from the output capacitors discharging through the inductor and body diode of the HS FET.

    Since the regulator is off during this time, it is not causing the ringing.

    You can control the regulator through the EN pin, separately from VIN, and you should not see any excessive ringing.

    You can also use a Schottky diode on the output to clamp the negative ring, if you need to shutdown the regulator using the input voltage.


  • Hello

    I will close this post due to inactivity.
