Usage Conditions:
Use with VCC=5V
The operating environment is TA<85°C
The description of ILIM in the Data sheet states that it mentions MAX=120mA.
Is it acceptable if the total current to drive the LEDs is 120mA?
If it exceeds 120mA, what kind of problems may occur?
If the total current exceeds 120mA, can the LEDs be used if heat radiation solutions are available?
Hi Masa,
We don't recommend LP5018 working under 120mA output current. This spec only shows the capability of the current sink.
Please free to contact me via email( and we can discuss to find out if we have any other suitable device for you.
BR, Jared
Hi Jared .Thanks for your reply .
So can I understand that a total current of 75mA (TYP) would satisfy the specification? I would like to use around 90mA if possible
Hi Masa,
Actually, LP5018 is recommended to use maximum 35mA per channel.
Can you accept to connect 3 channel together? Or please tell me how many LEDs you want to use and more detail application information. I will help to find the best option for you.
BR, Jared
Hi Masa,
If you can accept to connect the output in parallel, I think it's fine. But since LP5018 can support maximum 35mA per channel, I suggest you can use 3 ports from OUT0~OUT2 to meet the 90mA requirement.
BR, Jared
I need to control 6 LEDs in my design.
If there is no problem from the specification, i will plan to use 6 ports with OUT0 to OUT5 with 15mA each, about 90mA in total.
Hi Masa,
If you mean 15mA per LED, I think you can only use 6 ports for 6 LEDs. But if you mean 90mA per LED, I think you can use 18 ports and every 3 ports for 1 LED. Hope can answer your question.
BR, Jared
Hi jared
>If you mean 15mA per LED, I think you can only use 6 ports for 6 LEDs
Thanks for the answer.
I understood from your answer that the use of 90mA total is acceptable within the specifications.
I guess the range between “TYP” and “MAX” is a useful guideline
Hi Masa,
Do you have any other questions here? I thought we have done here.
BR, Jared