Hi all,
I've been looking at an issue that came up where customers have been noticing very long charge times in a few instances. I've noticed now a couple times after looking further into this problem that the charge current (using a wall adapter capable of 1000mA) seems to stay at 50mA during the entire charge cycle or at least until the timer shuts off the charging. I thought maybe the bq24050 might have been in a pre-charge mode at first but 50mA is far lower than the 2*(10% of max limit) or about 160mA. In our case, we have used a 680 ohm ISET resistor for about an 800mA charge current limit. In most cases, I do see the charge current reaching up to about 780mA as expected. But in the anomaly case, it stays stuck at 50mA. I found that when I disconnect and reconnect the wall charger, the charge current hits the 780mA as we wanted. Has anyone seen a simliar issue like this? Its not easy to reproduce but I've seen it more than once now.
Our design uses a USB wall adapter which the bq25040 senses through the DP/DM lines. The wall adapter we're using has the DP/DM lines shorted which will indicate wall adapter to the charger IC and not a host. My PRE_CHG input is set to a 2K ohm resistor and my ISET resistor at 680 ohms.