I'm looking for smallest power supply solution. My design requirements are: VinMin = 4.0V, VinMax = 5.0V.
Output requirement is Vout = 3.3V, Iout = 1.5A.
Using TI Webench, it proposed me to use LMR10515X together with others components below:
1. Cin : 4.7uF
2. Renable : 10K ohms
3. Rfb1 : 10K
4. Rfb2 : 45.3K
5. L1 : 3.9uH
6. Cout : 10uF
7. D1 : MR05030T1G
But, when i read at LMR10515 datasheet at page 16. I'm confused with Design Example 2.
I would like to know should i use R2 or Rfb1 at 10K or 100K ohms?
The Webench proposed 10K ohms. But, datasheet example use 100K ohms.
If i use the formula where R1 = [ Vout / Vref) - 1 ] x R2, i found that R1 is 10K ohms.
Can help me to confirm the components value generated from Webench?