We are using the UCD9080, for 8 input voltage (MONx) and their monitoring(ENx), here i am sending the circuit and programming of that, configuration is ok but EN pins are not working accordingly.
We consider one case, in MON1 - 2V DC is scaled up, if monitoring voltage is less than 1.9V or greater than 2.2V then EN pin should become high otherwise in normal case it should be low.
While i configure user and memory parameters, after that i checked the status of EN1 is should not show high while i am giving 1.8 or 2.3V.
And in configuration of 512 bytes one time it shows all I2C acknowledgement ok then again shows some NACK, so might be timing issue. we are configuring the UCD9080 chip using 8 bit microcontroller on I2C interface. We are hurry to resolve this issue because, in 2-3 projects we are using this chip, and from last 6 months we are not able to complete this project and not getting proper support from texas instrument engineer from india.
Please resolve this, for you reference here i am sending the software and circuit.