I'm interesting in the next topic - today there are parts in the the LMZ3 and TPS84k family which have different part numbers but they are "EXACT EQUIVALENT in functionality and parametrics to the compared device".
For example: TPS84250 / LMZ35003 and TPS84259 / LMZ34002.
As well on the TI site mention that it will be transition from TPS84K to the LMZ3: http://www.ti.com/ww/en/analog/tps84620/index.shtml?DCMP=hpa_pw Post r_tps84&HQS=Sample+OT+tps84
In this case could some one explain difference in the TI site price between TPS84250 (6.25 | 1ku) and LMZ35003 (7.95 | 1ku).