We have done the WEBBENCH Simulation using an LM25574 to generate +15V from a +15V supply.
The current we need is about 20 to 50mA. We have to supply two opamps.
I have included the WEBBench Desing and the screenshots from my CAD. I can not see the problem and i need to get this pcb working. The +15V is the only part of the circuit which is not working. I did not expect this to be so hard to achieve a negative voltage.
We have a stable 15V but at the output we can only see a small positive voltage of about 1V with the opamps connected. Without the two opamps the voltage drops even further.
Please help me on this issue and tell me where i have gone wrong.
Best regards
3324.WEBENCH® Design Report - WebenchReportsServlet.pdf
Midlayer 1
Powerplane GND
Powerplane VCC