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TPS65951 Audio problem

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OMAP3530, TPS65950, TPS65951

My dear kind-hearted  experts:

    Hello,I have some problem needing to be solved, the TPS65951 audio problem,  Everyone knows that Tps65951 & Tps65950  a kind of  power managing  chip. But  what  is easily be  forgotten is  it's  audio  part.    There are  two parts inputed signal  divided left and right   ,then  routed to A/D  and  digital interface exchanged by  omap3530 then sent  the digital data to D/A part of TPS65951, finally the analog signal come out from  two parts of output pins:

the first is HSOL :;it's just turn out half of the whole signal,the bottom of the signal is lost,the question made me crazy,please help me solve it. Another qustion is that we haven't any chapter about the configuration.

the second is on board headset  Mic: HSMIC.P, HSMIC.M,the signal of output is too low ,we need 4.0V on every point,but it's just 1.0V;Why?

What's more,I have requested the TI china's message centrl  with a hopeful mind,But  they respond me with some feeling down  word.  " There are no discribtion about  TPS65951's audio ,we  just  care about  the power part  of the chip.Audio part  comes out  of my management,please  ask this question to the America the other hand,we have no EVM board ".

so,I  step here to ask  American friends  for help.  What i wanted most was the configuration of the TPS65951 Audio  and the  EVM board. I'm not sure that  you can give me the EVM board, although a little configuration message may help me slove the problem;  I felt very difficult when I went though the related chapter named  "swca090-Feature differences between TPS65950 and TPS65951" becase of it's  details are too bad, some regiser's name not being found. How can i find the difference of the  descripton;   But In fact, I have configured the TPS65951  by the TPS65950's datasheet  due to that there is no TPS65951's configure exited .

My company is located in beijing of china ,we  are  working for a kind of mobil-phone ,If you can slove my problem ,I will buy 100 thousands pills  chip from IT.

my mailbox number  


please . Thanks!!




  • Hi, here are my feedbacks:

    - EVM: there is no EVM available for this device so nothing I can do to help at this level.

    - HSOL: the output can be configured as single ended to ground or to VMID common mode. Depending on which mode you're using you may see something wrong at the output depending on the way it is connected at HW level. If you could send a schematic that may help. Alternatively you may check the digital waveform sent to this output to be sure it is not truncated.

    - HMIC: I don't understand the question as these pins are input pins, not outputs; please give me some details about it i.e. where do you expect 4.0V. Here as well some schematic may help to understand.

    Best regards, Alain.

  • Hi ,Thank you for your feedback,I have learned  what you say, But I don't kown how to configure the single-ended or VMID common mode; HMIC: sorry ,I get the wrong question,the differential output pins are IHF_LEEF_P and IHF_LEFT_M ,the sin signal from the output pins came out with a low level ,I'm sure that the amplifier configuration  is right being 0dB including digital amplifier and analog amplifier.  Finally,the schematic design is also completed accroding  to the electric   chararistics  datasheet .
    Has anyone  used the TPS65951's audio block? Could they give me the  integrated configuration example? sorry ,my dear TI expert,I'm a primary soft-driver engineer and my english is not very good,please forgive me ! Thank you!
  • Hi, there are some hints on how to use the audio part in TRM (Technical Reference Manual); unfortunately I cannot locate the appropriate one for this device but the audio part is very similar to TPS65950 so you may download this one instead if you don't already have it:

    Chapter 14 is discussing in details about audio block and how it works.

    Concerning your questions again if you could provide some pieces of schematic showing how the IHF and HSO pins are connected that would help me to understand what's going on.


    Best regards, Alain.

  • Thank you for respond to my question, then I will send you my schematic of the audio designing and the configuration  belonging to the loop back test style( 1.signal output from HSOL  2.  signal output from IHF_LEEF_P & IHF_LEEF_M )

    please check it carefully for me, but as our  HW engineer says,the schematic is follow the case that has been used before.

  • 1 schematic of tps65951 design




    2 the configuration

    TPS65951  and  OMAP3730 loop test 

    picture10 loop back test schematic


    Register number

    Configurate parameter

    Function description

    CODEC_MOD( 0x1 )   


    Audio samprate12K;

     Option1 ModeCodec power is on;

    OPTION     ( 0x2 )


    (1)Audio RX left2 enable

    (2)Audio RX right2 enable

    (3)Audio TX right1 enable

    (4)Audio TX left1 enable



    (1)SDRL2 to RXL2 PGA

    (2)SDRR2 to RXR2 PGA

    APLL_CTL  ( 0x3A)


    (1) PLL power enabled

    (2) Input frequency selecting 19.2M

    AVDAC_CTL ( 0x17)


    (1) Audio DACL2 power Enabled

    (2) Audio DACR2 power Enabled

    ARXL2_APGA_CTL( 0x1B)


    (1)Analog ARXL2 gain is 0dB;

    (2)Digital-to-analog path enabled;

    (3)Analog PGA power on.

    ARXR2_APGA_CTL( 0x1C)


    (1)Analog ARXR2 gain is 0dB;

    (2)Digital-to-analog path enabled;

    (3)Analog PGA power on.

    HS_SEL          ( 0x22 )


    (1)HSOR_AR2_EN  Audio R2 enable ;

    (2)HSOL_AL1_EN Audio L1 enable;

    HS_GAIN_SET     ( 0x23)


    (1)HSR_GAIN  0dB;

    (2)HSL_GAIN  0dB.

    ANAMICL        ( 0x05 )


    (1)Offset cancellation initiated;

    (2)Audio RX left2 and right2 selected for the offset cancellation.




    AUDIO_IF  ( 0x0E )


    (1) TDM/CODEC master mode;

    (2) 16bit sample length,16bit word width 

    (3) TDM mode data format( available only in option1)

    (4) Audio serial interface Application mode.




    ATX2ARXPGA    ( 0x1D )


    (1) loop TX to RX digital gain Control left Mute

    (2) loop TX to RX digital gain Control right Mute

    MICBIAS_CTL    ( 0x04 )


    (1)headset microphone bias enable

    (2)Submicrophone 1 bias enable

    (3)Mainmicrophone 0 bias enable

    ANAMICL        ( 0x05 )


    (1)Offset cancellation initiated;

    (2)Audio RX left2 and right2 selected for the offset cancellation;

    (3)Headset microphone enable enable;

    (4)Main microphone input enable.

    ANAMICR        ( 0x06 )


    (1)right microphone amplifier power enable

    (2)Submicrophone input enable

    AVADC_CTL      ( 0x07 )


    (1)ADCL power enable;

    (2)ADCR power enable

    ADCMICSEL     ( 0x08 )


    ADC input.ADCL routed to TXL1,ADCR routed to TXR1.

    ATXL1PGA      ( 0x0A)


    TXL1 digital gain 0dB

    ATXR1PGA      ( 0x0B)


    TXR1 digital gain 0dB

  • I have sent the  schematic to your mailbox, the picture couldn't  show  at here. So just the configuration above,

    please check your email-box  . Thank you!

  • Sorry but I have not received anything; my address is

    Would you please resend it?

    Thanks and regards, Alain.