My question is quite simple, how do we set the No.of Cells for bq29312 AFE.
I have gone through the bq29312 Datasheet. One line read's -
2-, 3-, or 4-Cell Configuration
In a 3-cell configuration, VC1 is shorted to VC2. In a 2-cell configuration, VC1 and VC2 are shorted to VC3.
But what if the No. of Cells to be charged is not fixed, my application uses bq24610 Charger alongwith bq29312 AFE and a Host MCU for charging 2-4S LiPo Batterys.
Also, i would be using external FET's for Cell Balacing driven by bq29312 internal balacing FET's. Is there any possibility of implementing this in bq29312 AFE.