Question 1:
Im working on a project, i need 3v3, 5v and 12v smps circuits. So i choose lm2676 first. I read all datasheet and designed the schemetic for voltage levels what i need. So i bought all specified components with same manufacturer id. I assembly the pcb, I read exactly values with no load, but when i put a load to output for get 1ampere, i read 1v2 instead of 3v3, 10v instead of 5v, 6v-16v instead of 12v. My power supply is stable 17V. Icant figure it out.
For 3v3 SMPS:
IC: 1x LM2676-ADJ, Inductor: 1x P0841, Output Cap: 2x 100uF (10V 1.1A(Irms)), Input Cap: 2x 4.7uF (50V 0.6A(Irms)), Boost Cap: 1x 10nF, Schottky: 1x 40V (3A), FeedBack Res: 1K & 1K74
For 5v SMPS:
IC: 1x LM2676-5v, Inductor: 1x P0841, Output Cap: 3x 100uF (10V 1.1A(Irms)), Input Cap: 3x 4.7uF (50V 0.6A(Irms)), Boost Cap: 1x 10nF, Schottky: 1x 40V (3A), FeedBack Res: No Feedback
For 12V SMPS: ()
IC: 1x LM2676-ADJ, Inductor: 1x PE54039S, Output
Cap: 2x 47uF (20V 0.9A(Irms)), Input Cap: 2x 4.7uF (50V 0.6A(Irms)), Boost Cap: 1x 10nF, Schottky: 1x 40V (3A), FeedBack Res: 1K & 9K1
Question 2:
I choose LM2696; another smps IC instead of LM2676. This time i discover Webench and design circuit with it. My parameters are Vin= 13V-24V, 3v3-1.5Amax, 5v-3Amax, 12v-1.5Amax. i bought all specified components with same manufacturer id again. This time for 3v3;
- 3V3 With no load: When Vin<15v, Vout=3.3v,
When Vin>15v to 24V, Vout=3.3v going down until Vin=24v and Vout=2.2v
- 3V Wtih load(330ohm and LED): When Vin<12v, Vout=3.2v,
When Vin=15v, Vout=2.8v,
When Vin=20v, Vout=2.1v ,
- 3V3 Wtih load(4R7): When Vin<11v its seems Ok,
When Vin=12v, Vout=1v
When Vin>12v to 24V, Vout=1v going down until Vin=24v and Vout=0.2v
- 5V With no load: When Vin<19.5v, Vout=5v,
When Vin>19.5v to 24V, Vout=5v going down until Vin=24v and Vout=3.3v
- 5V Wtih load(330ohm and LED): When Vin=6.5v, Vout=5v,
When Vin=7.5v, Vout=4.4v,
When Vin=8.5v, Vout=5v again,
When Vin>9.2v to 24V, Vout=3.7v going down until Vin=24v and Vout=2.4v
- 5V Wtih load(4R7): When Vin<11v its seems Ok,
When Vin=12v, Vout=1v
When Vin>12v to 24V, Vout=1v going down until Vin=24v and Vout=0v
- 12V With no load: When Vin>10v to 24V, Vout=5.3v
- 12V Wtih load(4R7): When Vin>5.3v to 6.6V, Vout=5v,
When Vin=7.5v, Vout=1v
When Vin>7.5v to 24V, Vout=1v going down until Vin=24v and Vout=0v
Here is LM2676 photos: http://imgur.com/a/3DTFQ
Here is LM2696 photos: http://imgur.com/a/0JPnh
I tried 2 different smps and no success, designs seems Ok, Components seems Ok, PCB seems Ok. Please Help.