Sorry again and again.
My customer is asking about tDEL and tD-OFF.
1. Could you please clarify min & max (@25deg. C) of both.
tDEL min =?, tDEL max =?
tD-OFF min =?, tD-OFF max =?
2. Could you please clarify those values under low temp(-40 deg.C) &
high temp(+125 deg.C) or thermal coefficient of both parameter.
1) tDEL(@-40deg.C)
min=?, typ=?, max=?
2) tDEL(@+125deg.C)
min=?, typ=?, max=?
3) tD-OFF(@-40deg.C)
min=?, typ=?, max=?
4) tD-OFF(@+125deg.C)
min=?, typ=?, max=?
Best Regards,
H. Sakai