I plan to use your LM9036 as a power supply for a realtime clock in an automotive control unit.
Therefore V_IN would be connected to the (filtered) vehicle battery voltage (nominal 12 V).
At the output there would be two capacitors:
1) The 22uF capacitor as you request in the datasheet
2) A “super capacitor” of 0.22F as the actual buffer for the real time clock
I have got two questions:
1) Would there be a reverse protection diode “across” the regulator be required, connecting its output with its input? (this diode should protect your regulator in case V_IN gets removed; i.e. removal of lead-acid battery in workshop etc.)
2) If yes: Then there would also be a “decoupling” diode required to prevent the 0.22F capacitor from being discharged, I suppose. Since this super-cap shall buffer the realtime-clock in case V_IN (i.e. vehicle battery) gets removed.
Or are there no protection diodes required, since, in case V_IN gets removed, virtually NO current flows back into the V_OUT-pin of your regulator (and therefore the buffer-capacitor 0.22F does NOT get discharged through your regulator)?