I'm working on a design that will include a TPS63011 as well as a BQ25505. I'm placing parts now and before I get too far I'd appreciate some feedback on my parts and via placement, as well as the ground pours.
I've read the design note and seen the example layout where the power pad and "signal" grounds are brought to vias near the inductor and then 2 isolated ground pours are placed at the input and output caps. In looking at the design I'm wondering if the top ground could get tied in the upper left hand corner of the TPS63011 (in my picture) instead of at the 2 vias next to the inductor? That would allow the inductor to be placed closer to the part and you would be able to have a solid ground pour on the top layer that connects everything. By doing that the input ground would have a longer path so it might be better to isolate the input cap ground and have it go through the vias rather than around the circuit.
On a separate note I didn't see any guidelines on connecting VIN to VINA. The reference schematics show them as isolated but in the example layout they are just directly connected. Perhaps it could be taken that the VINA is connected in somewhat of a single point connection rather than through a copper pour?