Our customer has a question about LM2991.
I'm posting the question for the customer:
About Negative Low Dropout Adjustable Regulator:LM2991
In case of Vin=-17V,Vout=-16.3V,Iout=200mA;
The LM2991 oscillates.
In case of Vin=-17V,Vout=-14.8V,Iout=200mA;
The LM2991 which is a same board setting Vout=-14.8V works properly.
(I/O capacitors are aluminium electrolytic capacitors:470uF)
The device needs Vdrop=0.2V at 0.1A in datasheet.
Would you please let me know why the device oscllates as Vdrop=0.7V ?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,