We are using the BQ24163 charger chip in our design, and we are having an issue when we read the STAT (Register 00 bits B6-B4).
We connect power to the IN input and a battery that is fully charged. We can see with a current probe that the current going into the battery is less that the termination current ITERM we have set (Register 05 bits B2-B0, set to the maximum 400mA). We then read STAT once per second, expected to see "Charge complete" every time. However, we see that it toggles randomly between "Charge Complete", "Charging" and "IN Ready".
We have also noticed that even when toggling between these states, at no time does BGATE go low.
We purchased the development board for this chip and connected it to our system with the same register settings we were using, and we see the same behavior.
Below, I've listed the state of all the registers when we read STAT. Has anyone experienced any similar issues with this chip? Or, do you see anything incorrect about our register settings below?
Status 0x10 Supply status 0x30 Control 0x8c Battery voltage 0x8e Vender 0x45 Battery termination 0xb7 Vin-dpm 0x00 Safety timer 0x78