I am working with a custom bq28400 evaluation board, from which I attach the schematic
Resistors R1, R2 and transistors Q41,Q42 are not populated, as I am not so far concerned about cell balancing. I put 2.2M resistors instead of 3M, because I just didn't have them. Now this board works MOST of the times...
The trouble is, it sometimes (randomly) fails to start up! It all comes down to transistor Q1, driven by the DSG pin. When the board doesn't start, it is enough to MEASURE pin DSG with a multimeter to get it started (Pin goes high briefly, the settles at 700mV, leaving transistor Q1 closed). Even touching R8 with the hand is enough to trigger the start up. I have checked soldering problems several times, and I am sure about continuity. I am running out of ideas now. Any capacitor/ pull down I missed?
by the way, PRES is pulled down to gnd, but I have tried shorting it to gnd, with the same result