I'm designing an OMAP3530-system which only requires a simple PMU so I think the TPS65073 would fit well.
However, the design-in Wiki and the TPS6507x documentation is a bit sparse or downright ambigous on a couple of points which I thought I'd ask here:
1) If not using a battery or USB, do you still need to connect any decoupling caps to these pins, as stated in the datasheet?
2) Similarily, how to connect ISET or TS for no-battery/usb operation?
3) The EN_DCDCx inputs, if everything should be per default for the OMAP3530 (1.2v core, 1.2v MPU_IVA, 1.8v IO/MEM), should these be left floating or grounded? The datasheet first says they will be disabled if grounded, then further down it says they should be grounded for default operation...
4) If the led backlight regulator is not needed, do we still need to connect anything to L4, FB_WLED, ISET1/2, ISINK1/2 ?
5) Does the PGOOD output need the fast buffer before connecting to SYS_nRESPWRON or not?
6) Should the I2C-interface be connected to I2C4 on OMAP3530 or to I2C1-3 ? I guess the SmartReflex only works with I2C4, but is this supported in the Linux distribution at all for the TPS65073-OMAP3530 anyway? There is nothing that stops me from programming it manually even if I connect it to I2C4 right?
7) Default is 1.2v output from DCDC2, but the voltage should really be 1.15V on the VCORE. Does this matter? Will it be corrected upon boot by I2C or should the DEF_DCDC2 pin be used to alter this?
8) If I don't need the MMC on the OMAP, are there any drawbacks on using LDO2 for VDAC-voltage 1.8v ?
9) How do I connect the PB_IN and POWER_ON if I just want the system to start upon power-on? I don't have any start-button.
Best regards,
Bjorn W