My customer is using LM43600.
He has a question about the relation of Vin-min-st and Vin.
Vin-min-st value is showed as max 3.8V in datasheet.
But this device can operate from Vin=3.5V (min).
Could you let me know the relation of Vin-min-st and Vin, please?
-> If customer uses internal LDO as Figure 45 in datasheet, does you recommend that Vin is over 3.8V for LDO good operation?
and If customer uses external bias as Figure 44, does you recommend that Vin is over 3.8V until that Vout is over 3.3V(It shows no problem that Vin is 3.5V after that Vout is over 3.3V)?
Best regards,