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76xxxEVM question

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS76201, TPS62560


I am helping to design a lab where students use EVMs to evaluate performance metrics of power management devices. We were looking for EVMs to order for the TPS76201 LDO when I came across this EVM:  

I also came across this post from the linear regulator forum:

I have a few questions:

- Would there be any reason to use the TPS762xx over the TPS769xx? I might try to convince my advisor to switch as I've seen that the 769xx has better quiescent current and uses a ceramic cap.

- Would the tps76xxxevm-125 or the tps769xxxevm-127 be better suited for a class setting? What are the differences between these EVMs? Does the tps76xxxevm-125 work with the 76201?

- Is there any way on either of these EVMs to 1 - set the output voltage through the R divider ratio when we order them, and 2 - change the output voltage after we receive them in order to test metrics at different output voltages? 

- We are also using the EVM for the TPS62560. Is there any way to have this EVM set the output voltage to be different than 1.8V?


  • Hi Sita,

    You may want to consider utilizing the PMLK EVMs:

    These kits come with predesigned experiments or you can design your own.

    The EVMs come "as is;" however, you may modify the EVMs to use different resistors or capacitors.

    Very Respectfully,
  • Hi Ryan,

    I think we might be already using the buck converter kit in another class, but I'll bring them up with my advisor.

    When you say that we can modify the kits, do you mean that we can desolder parts from the board?

    Which EVMs would be better for evaluating the TPS76201, the TPS76901, and the TPS769xx (with a fixed voltage)?

    Also, I forgot to ask - this EVM

    has this datasheet

    Where there are some resistors and capacitors in the BOM that are defined as "user option." I was wondering what that meant.

    Thanks again!


  • Hi Sita,

    Any of the EVMs are possible to use. You will have to determine which is best for your experiments based on the size and number of external components to the LDO (what size capacitors do you want to use? do you have enough footprints for all the capacitors you want to populate?).

    In general, EVMs come prepopulated as stated in the corresponding user guide. If you would like to change the resistor divider that comes populated in order to change the output voltage, you would be responsible for swapping out the resistors. Many of our EVMs come with additional pads for extra capacitors or other components in order to allow for application specific evaluation.

    The devices and EVMs that you are looking at have been on the market for a rather long time. At the time these were released, they used "user option" to indicate that the component does not come prepopulated. The user of the EVM can populate it with whatever value capacitor or resistor that they would like.

    Very Respectfully,