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TPS65010 : End of charge detection (TERM CURRENT)

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65010, TPS65720, TPS65070


I've an question about the Charge Status register (CHGSTATUS 0x01) on the TPS65010. I'm configuring the charger by default (CHGCONFIG = 0x1B) so the fast charge timer and taper timer are disabled.

The battery is charged correctly : The AC current equals  1A during the current regulation phase and it decreases during the voltage regulation phase. If I change the battery, the charger restarts automaticaly a new cycle.

But some bits of CHGSTATUS are not update: The Bit6 (AC Charge) and Bit7 (USB Charger) works correctly but the Bit4 (Term current) is never updates (value is always 0) even if the battery is full charged or replace by a other one. Do you have a idea why ?

Maybe it is necessary the reset (B6 / B7 of CHGCONFIG) the charger before start a new cycle of charge....

Thanks for your answer.





  • Thomas,


    The TPS65010 does not have a Power Path (as e.g. our newer parts TPS65720, TPS65070).

    The problem without Power Path is that the PMIC can not distinguish between battery charger current and System load current.

    This makes it very difficult to properly detect a charge termination current.

    In case you System Load Current is higher than the charge termination current threshold the TPS65010 will never detect charge termination.

    Also if the converters are operating in PFM mode the PFM current pulses may be high enough to cause problem in charge termnation detection.

    Basically you can only detect charge termiantion reliable in case the System is in stand by (very low system load current) and converters are operating in forced PWM mode.

    Anyhow in light load condition you typ. want the converters to operate in PFM mode to increase light load efficiency - you see that the topology without Power Path introduces a couple of problems.


    Kind Regards,

    Christian Hoefling