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TPS3897 - Active high is pin 4?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS3897, TPS3898, TPS3896


My customer has a question:

I’m looking at TI supervisor ICs and found TPS3895,96,97,98 series.  I need what I think is an active HIGH output (open drain or push-pull would work) and am confused by 2 different sheets of the data sheet.


Page 3 has:


Page 4 has:


If I look at TPS3897 on page 3 (Device Comparison Table), it calls this part’s output “Active high, open drain”. 

But if I look on page 4, pin 4 is active high on the TPS3896/TPS3898 column. 

Am I just not reading this correctly or is there an error on the data sheet?