We are planning to use TPS563209 from 12V to 0.95V with a WEBENCH designed output filter of 1.5uH and 3x22uF ceramic capcitors. This will power two branches each starting with a bead ( Murata BLM21PG221, 0.045 DC ohm, 220 ohm at 100MHz) and then a 100uF ceramic capacitor to GND. This is typical requirement for Arria 10 FPGA tranceiver power. One branch is 900mA, and the other is 400mA.This violate the 22-68uF recommendation in the datasheet. But since there is a bead filter between this and the next 100uF I would think this still might be stable? Any advice? Should we reduce Cout from 66uF to 22uF?