Hi guys,
My customer is evaluating the TPS54326, and they are using Vout = 5.3V. They had the following questions:
The Table 1 in switching regulator TPS54326 data sheet doesn’t specify the recommended component values for output 5.3V. For to generate 5.3V output, can I use the same values of R2, C4, L1, C4 and C5 from the row of output 5V? Is the only change R1 from 121Kohm to 130Kohm?
On page 13, “…
The inductor and capacitor selected for the output filter must be selected so that the double pole
of Equation 5 is located below the high frequency zero but close enough that the phase boost provided by the
high frequency zero provides adequate phase margin for a stable circuit.”
I use Lout = 3.3uH and Cout=44uF (there are two 22uF capacitors C4 & C5 in parallel) and got Fp = 13.2KHz in Eq. 5 for the double pole of LC filter. Where can I find the zero frequency?