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BQ77904: charger shutdown, common ground

Part Number: BQ77904


considering typical application (figure 27) in the datasheet...I need common ground in the entire circuit, thus I can't use N-FETs. My charger circuit has a shutdown pin (log 0 = shutdown), so my idea is:

  • charger circuit connect directly to the akupack
  • CHG output connect to the shutdown pin of the charger circuit
  • place PFET between AKUPACK+ and LOAD+; use DSG output to connect its gate to the ground via NPN
  • between AKUPACK- and LOAD- there will be only the current sense resistor, so what should I do with the LD pin?

I don't mind that there won't be current protection whilst charging (I have it handled in the charger circuit).

Is this a good idea? Will it work? Many thanks

  • Hi,

    You must determine if it is a good idea and meets the requirements for your system or product. It sounds like a separate current path design with charge protection switching in the charger and high side discharge protection switching.  I think it will work with some areas to be cautious:

    • Avoid excessive load on CHG and DSG.
    • Your Load P-channel will turn on quickly.  When a fault occurs and it needs to turn off be sure it will turn off fast enough to avoid damage from heating.  With a P-channel turn off is often accomplished by a gate resistor with a bias current.  With a battery it is typically desired to have the bias current small for long battery life which means slower turn off.  See page 43 Q5 as one method to speed up turn off, other methods are possible.
    • A signal FET may be preferred for DSG over the NPN since there is little gate current
    • Although you have 4 cells and may not need a zener diode on the P-ch gate for static DC levels, be sure to check for system transients.