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TPS40304: TPS40304 spec question

Part Number: TPS40304
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CSD17573Q5B,

Hi Sir 

May we know what is IOCSET value?

Form EC table(datasheet page 6), Iocset is 10uA.

From datasheet 7.2 Function block, it is 10mA.

Form datasheet page 11 Equation 2. Iocset is use 9.5uA.

Form Equation 17. Iocset is use 9.5mA.

If we use CSD17573Q5B(Rdson = 0.84m ohm at Vgs =10V) in Design Requirements design. then my Voc = (1.3* 20A  - 1/2 * 6A ) * 1.2 * 0.84m ohm = 23.18mV. my Rcs = (23.184mV-(-8mV))/(2*9.5uA) =1.64k.

am i right?

And may we also check what is behavior of TPS40304 when ocp happen? 


  • Bogey,
    The mA in the datasheet is a typo and it should read uA. Please use 9.5uA for all equation calculations. Page 11 of the datasheet describes the OCP behavior which is hiccup mode. Your calculation looks good. We will correct the typos asap.
