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AC/DC SMPS Battery Charger

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PMP9638, UCC28740


 We want to add AC/DC SMPS Charger as auxiliary in our  Solar charger design.

  Please help me to find some suitable reference design and parts.



I/P AC 140V - 275VAC


Charging current upto 2A.

 V : 14V

 Battery 12V/26Ah Lead Acid.



  • Hello Ammar,

    I could not find any design that matches your criteria exactly, but please consider the following reference design which may be close to your application:
    This design has an extra 3.3V output, but you can delete that part and adjust the transformer turns-ratios if necessary to accommodate your input and output voltage ranges. The UCC28740 provides CC/CV regulation.
    Use the UCC28740 design calculator to obtain the correct parameters to match your application.


  • I  have a few questions?

    What are the specifiations of your Photovoltaic  Array (solar collector)?

    1. DC Vin min, max, avg  PER CELL?

    2. DC current  min,max,avg PER CELL?

    3. Number of cells?

    4 cell configuration?

    A. Number of Cells in series and there alignment?

    B. Number of Cells in parallel and  there alignment?

    What is the specifications of your Inverter?

    1. You gave DC Vin 14v correct?

    2. Vout number 1 is 275v AC correct?

    3. Vout number 2 is 140v AC correct?

    What is the configuration of your Battery bank?

    1 . Number of Batteries in series and there alignment?

    2 . Number of Batteries in parallel and there alignment?

    With those figures we can set up a solar charger for anything from a 1.7v 10mA LiOn for a calculator to 15KvA. System for a building.

  • Thankyou Richard for your interest in providing us support.
    The application is as follow:

    The Battery type is Lead Acid
    No of cells in the battery : 6
    Nominal Voltage of the battery :12V
    Capacity of the battery :26AH .
    Solar Panel Open Voltage :21.6
    Solar Panel Max Current : 3.5A(Approx)

    We Solar charging part is already done. We want to add the mains charging also.
    For mains charging we need AC to DC SMPS.
    AC Input Voltages : 140V to 275V
    O/P Voltages : 14V
    Mains Charging Current : Upto 2.5A
  • Firstly  bring your 140vAC upto 275v AC

    Than  you have a common AC to work from

    Than build your SMPS 275vAC to 14vDC

    You can use weBench to design that with a wide range of attributes.

  • Be aware of phase compatibility issues between your mains charger and solar charger and keep the two isolated from each other (fyi note).