Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA188, UCC28951, TL431
I am using UCC28951-Q1 in CC/CV mode. I am using external OPA188 based Error Amplifier while Internal error amplifier (EA) is used as unity gain by shorting EA- with COMP pin. I am facing a issue of current limit. UCC always stays in hiccup mode even if CS pin is at 0V. Also the pulses pattern is similar to that shown below:
The duty cycle is getting controlled by current limit probably because, Dmin-the shortest duty cycle is set by the cycle-by-cycle current limit circuit which becomes dominant over the duty cycle defined by the COMP pin voltage or by the TMIN block. So there is no effect of RTmin. I tried connecting SS/EN pin to Vref, this disabled the hiccup mode, but there is no change in pulses pattern. Can someone explain what might have gone wrong?