The signals on the output are rather noisy and I would like to speak with someone or obtain additional information on reducing the noise levels (see oscilloscope captures below). The 2nd PNG file show the zoom for the oscillation in a single group for the above picture.
In looking at the components used on the demo board I noted the input capacitor and output capacitor are not low ESR components - so my 1st question would be what was the audience who the demo board was developed for? The question stems from the fact there appears to be very large spikes on the output.
Would you suggest changing out the input and output capacitors with low ESR capacitors to obtain reduce levels and ringing? If so can you make a recommendation?
The intent is to reduce the noise levels and ringing of the switching circuit for a new application.
Can you recommend a good application note to be used for selecting the components of the circuit to look at the circuit design? Looking for equations which define the input contribution to the noise, equations for component selection of components, equations for output contribution to noise/ringing.
Paul Wood
Beckett Performance Products