I have recently got the TPS54494-EVM for the evaluation of the Dual Channel buck and got it working with little success. There are no discrete level alterations on the EVM board done. All tests are performed with Resistive Load and at Room Temp=25C.
The observations are as follows:
Case1 (No Load)
Constant Vin=12V
Vout1=3.3V. Iout1=No Load
Vout2=1.5V, Vout2=1.5V. Iout2=No Load
The Output voltages are as expected.
Case2 (Single Channel Load)
Constant Vin=12V,
Vout1=3.3V. Iout1=No Load
Vout2=1.5V, Iout2=~1.9A (Rload=800mR)
Performs as expected.
Case3 (Loads on Both channels)
Constant Vin=12V, Vout1=3.3V. Iout1=~3.9A (Rload=800mR)
Vout2=1.5V, Iout2=~1.9A (Rload=800mR)
Both the channels are connected to resistive loads at the same time and upon powering up the Evaluation kit, the TPS54494 IC gets smoked.
Case4 (Loads on Both channels)
Replaced the TPS54494 on EVM Kit.
Constant Vin=12V, Vout1=3.3V. Iout1=3.9A (Rload=800mR)
Vout2=1.5V, Iout2=~1.9A (Rload=800mR)
The IC damaged badly. (Smoke, IC Bulged)
Case5 (Connecting loads one by one)
Replaced the TPS54494 on EVM Kit.
Constant Vin=12V
Reducing the Load Currents.
Step1: Kept the Ch1 on No Load. Vout2=1.5V. Iout2=~1.1A (Rload=1.3R) Vout1=3.3V. Iout1=No Load. The IC performed as expected.
Step2: Engaging the (1.3R, 2.5A) Load on Ch1. The IC damaged badly. (Smoke, IC Bulged) Checking the Impedances on the Output voltage rail: Ch2=21.5K, Ch1=<1Ohm.
I have made sure that in any case, the output rails are not getting shorted to each other, keeping both the loads separate.
Simulating the same on the Webench Simulation, the Simulator shows only one channel in the design. But, EVM guide shows that it's capable of driving simultaneous full load currents. Seeing this level of failure, Is the TPS54494 designed for the simultaneous Dual Channel operation of total 6A (Ch1=4A, Ch2=2A) on both the channels? Why the thermal protection or OCP didn't trigger and directly caused it to damage badly?