Hi Team,
My customer evaluating our TPS2511 and performing a DCP test using TPS2511EVM. However, they couldn't pass the test.
See attach the setup (putting 12V power supply to the input, and tested with MQP pocket master USB PET.
Could help to adivse the reason of not passing the DCP test?
TPS2511 20181023 1547 Report_Product_0014.txt
Packet-Master USB-PET Report on Product Copyright � 2010-2013 MQP Electronics Ltd. Scripts OTG 2.0 Rel:, BC 1.2 Rel: Test run on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 15:46:25 ______________________________________________ Opening script: CT_DCP_OVRSHT.mpet Compile successful [0.142,881] DCP Overshoot and Undershoot Voltage Test [0.142,882] [0.142,882] SETTINGS [0.142,882] --------------------------------------------------- [0.142,883] * DCP cable is not captive [0.142,885] --------------------------------------------------- [0.142,886] [0.142,886] [0.142,916] Ensure UUT connected using Special Test Cable B. [2.196,684] If UUT power is on, switch it off, then click OK. [4.223,559] 3. Wait for voltage to fall below 0.5V. (Speed up fall with current load.) [4.223,577] - Voltage has fallen to 0.010V [4.223,583] 4. Set up voltage watch-block ready to capture overshoot of VCHG_OVRSHT (6.0V) on VBUS. [4.223,595] Plug DCP into 'wall-socket', or otherwise power it up, then click OK. [14.830,167] Checking for VBUS to be on. [14.830,173] - Voltage has risen to 5.010V [14.830,174] 7. Check watch-block overshoot detector latch was not triggered. [14.830,178] - Overshoot did not exceed 6.0V [14.830,181] 8. Set up voltage watch-block ready to capture undershoot of VCHG_UNDSHT (4.1V), or overshoot of VCHG_OVRSHT (6.0V) on VBUS. [14.830,205] 9. With an applied current load of IDCP_LOW min (0mA), check that VBUS average is within appropriate range VCHG (4.75V to 5.25V at the UUT) over the next TVBUS_AVG max (0.25 sec). [15.084,443] - Vbus average (no load) was 5.010V - in spec. [15.084,444] 10. Check watch-block overshoot and undershoot detector latches were not triggered. [15.084,449] - Overshoot did not exceed 6.0V [15.084,455] - Undershoot did not go below 4.1V [15.084,458] 11. Re-program watch-block to allow for voltage drop in cable. [15.084,482] [15.084,482] Emulate attaching PD [15.084,482] 12. Apply VDP_SRC nom. (0.6V) to D+. [15.085,500] 13. Wait TVDMSRC_EN max + 1 ms (= 21ms). [15.106,501] 14. Check D- > VDAT_REF min (0.25V). [15.106,507] - D- handshake seen OK (D- is at 2.018V.) [15.106,508] 15. Wait for 1ms more than the remainder of TVDPSRC_ON (40ms - 20ms = 20ms). [15.126,509] 16. Take D+ back to 0V. [15.127,527] [15.127,527] Load Testing [15.127,527] 17. Apply load of IDCP_MID max (100mA) to VBUS. [15.127,539] 18. Wait TDCP_UNDSHT max (10ms). [15.137,540] 19. Check VBUS, at DCP connector, is in range VCHG (4.75V to 5.25V), making due allowance for voltage drop in cable (spot check voltage). [15.137,540] Actual lower limit used at PET is 4.660V. [15.137,541] This is because 0.050V will be dropped in the test cable at 100mA. [15.137,541] A further allowance of 0.040V is included to cover variations in the connector resistance plus measurement tolerances. [15.137,548] - Spot check voltage was 4.946V (lies in range 4.75V to 5.25V at UUT) [15.137,550] 20. Check watch-block overshoot and undershoot detector latches were not triggered. [15.137,554] - Overshoot did not exceed 6.0V [15.137,561] - Undershoot did not go below 4.1V [15.137,564] 21. Re-program watch-block to allow for voltage drop in cable. [15.137,587] 22. Increase load on VBUS to IDCP min (500mA), 20ms after rise to IDCP mid. [15.137,594] 23. Wait TDCP_UNDSHT max (10ms). [15.147,594] 24. Check VBUS average, at DCP connector, is in range VCHG (4.75V to 5.25V), over the next TVBUS_AVG max (0.25 sec), making due allowance for voltage drop in cable. [15.147,595] Actual lower limit used at PET is 4.440V. [15.147,595] This is because 0.250V will be dropped in the test cable at 500mA. [15.147,596] A further allowance of 0.060V is included to cover variations in the connector resistance plus measurement tolerances. [15.401,510] - Vbus average (500mA) was 4.690V - in spec. [15.401,511] 25. Check watch-block overshoot and undershoot detector latches were not triggered. [15.401,516] - Overshoot did not exceed 6.0V [15.401,522] - Undershoot did not go below 4.1V [15.401,525] 26. Remove Current Load. [15.401,532] 27. Wait 100 ms [15.501,532] 28. Check watch-block overshoot and undershoot detector latches were not triggered. [15.501,537] - Overshoot did not exceed 6.0V [15.501,543] - Undershoot did not go below 4.1V [15.501,546] 29. Apply load of IDCP min (500mA) to VBUS. [15.501,552] 30. Wait TDCP_UNDSHT max (10ms). [15.511,553] 31. Check VBUS, at DCP connector, is in range VCHG (4.75V to 5.25V), making due allowance for voltage drop in cable (spot check voltage). [15.511,554] Actual lower limit used at PET is 4.440V. [15.511,554] This is because 0.250V will be dropped in the test cable at 500mA. [15.511,555] A further allowance of 0.060V is included to cover variations in the connector resistance plus measurement tolerances. [15.511,561] - Spot check voltage was 4.692V (lies in range 4.75V to 5.25V at UUT) [15.511,563] 32. Check VBUS average, at DCP connector, is in range VCHG (4.75V to 5.25V), over the next TVBUS_AVG max (0.25 sec), making due allowance for voltage drop in cable. [15.511,564] Actual lower limit used at PET is 4.440V. [15.511,564] This is because 0.250V will be dropped in the test cable at 500mA. [15.511,565] A further allowance of 0.060V is included to cover variations in the connector resistance plus measurement tolerances. [15.765,495] - Vbus average (500mA) was 4.692V - in spec. [15.765,496] 33. Remove Current Load. [15.765,502] 34. Wait 100ms [15.865,503] 35. Check watch-block overshoot and undershoot detector latches were not triggered. [15.865,508] - Overshoot did not exceed 6.0V [15.865,514] - Undershoot did not go below 4.1V [15.865,517] End of Test [15.865,530] PASSED TEST ===End of Script=============================================== Opening script: CT_DCP_HNDSHK.mpet Compile successful [15.953,241] DCP Handshaking Test [15.963,282] [15.963,282] Initial State: UUT is connected via Special Test Cable B, or its captive cable, to the PET. No load applied. DCP is switched on. Data lines switched to data measurement circuit. [15.963,283] 1. Check VBUS is above VOTG_SESS_VLD max (4V). [DCP6] [15.963,289] - VBUS is at 5.008V. We may proceed. [15.963,290] 2. Wait 200ms [16.163,290] [16.163,291] Primary Detection [16.163,291] 3. Connect voltage source (0.6V) via 200R resistor to D+. [16.163,292] Note. PET connects voltage source of 0V via 100k to D-, to prevent false detection of voltage on D+. [16.164,315] 4. Wait slightly more than TVDMSRC_EN max (20ms +1 ms = 21ms). [16.185,316] 5. Check D- voltage is in range VDM_SRC (0.5V - 0.7V). [DCP12, DCP13] [16.185,322] FAIL: D- is 1.574V. [16.185,324] 6. Wait 20ms to complete TVDPSRC_ON. [16.205,325] 7. Disconnect voltage source via 200R resistor from D+. [16.205,337] [16.205,337] Secondary Detection [16.205,337] 8. Connect voltage source (0.6V) via 200R resistor to D-. [16.205,338] Note. PET connects voltage source of 0V via 100k to D+, to prevent false detection of voltage on D-. [16.206,361] 9. Wait 21ms. [16.227,362] 10. Check D+ voltage is in range VDM_SRC (0.5V - 0.7V). [DCP12, DCP13] [16.227,368] FAIL: D+ is 2.115V. [16.227,370] 11. Wait 20ms to complete TVDMSRC_ON. [16.247,371] 12. Disconnect voltage source via 200R resistor from D-. [16.247,382] 13. Wait 5 seconds for UUT to recover. [21.247,383] [21.247,383] End of Test [21.247,405] FAILED TEST - (Does not prevent further tests). ===End of Script=============================================== Opening script: CT_DCP_R_C.mpet Compile successful [21.339,261] DCP Resistance and Capacitance Tests [21.339,262] [21.339,291] Initial State: UUT is connected via Special Test Cable B, or its captive cable, to the PET. No load applied. DCP is switched on. Data lines switched to data measurement circuit. [21.339,291] [21.339,292] Emulate attaching PD [21.339,292] 1. Apply VDP_SRC nom. (0.6V) to D+. [21.340,310] 2. Wait TVDMSRC_EN max + 1 ms (= 21ms). [21.361,310] 3. Check D- > VDAT_REF min (0.25V). [21.361,316] - D- handshake seen OK (D- is at 2.018V.) [21.361,317] 4. Wait for 1ms more than the remainder of TVDPSRC_ON (40ms - 20ms = 20ms). [21.381,318] 5. Take D+ back to 0V. [21.382,336] [21.382,336] Checking Resistance between D+ and D- [21.382,336] 6. Check that resistance from D+ to D- is less than RDCP_DAT max (200R). i.e. Connect 3.0V via 200R resistor to D+, connect 0V via 200R resistor to D-. Measure voltages at D+ and D-. The difference must be less than 1.05V. [21.392,375] FAIL: Voltage difference 2.972V exceeds 1.05V [21.392,399] [21.392,400] Checking leakage from D+ or D- [21.392,400] 7. Connect D+ via 100k to 0V [21.392,406] 8. Wait 2 seconds to eliminate capacitive effects. [23.392,407] 9. Check that voltage at D+ is below 1.44V (Two RDAT_LKG (300k) in parallel, VDAT_LKG = 3.6V). [23.392,411] - Leakage sourced by D+/D- in spec (V = 0.607V). [23.392,420] 10. Connect D+ via 100K to 3.3V [23.392,432] 11. Wait 2 seconds to eliminate capacitive effects. [25.392,432] 12. Check that D+ is greater than 1.98V (Two RDAT_LKG (300k) in parallel, VDAT_LKG = 0V). [25.392,437] - Leakage sunk by D+/D- in spec (V = 2.800V). [25.392,451] [25.392,451] Checking Capacitance of D+ or D- [25.392,452] 13. Discharge Standard 1nF capacitor and Capacitance under Test [25.392,452] Connect 0V to D+ via 1nF test capacitor. Connect 0V to D- via 200R resistor. There is a tested, <200R, resistor between DM and DP. This will discharge the standard 1nF capacitor and the capacitance under test to 0V. Wait 10ms. [25.402,475] 14. Isolate Capacitances [25.402,476] Disconnect 0V from test capacitor to isolate it. Disconnect 0V from 200R resistor. [25.402,488] Note: We will now use the D+ voltage watch-block to determine whether, during the charge-sharing process, D+ rises above 1.65V. The watch-block amplifier has a limited band-width by design, so that the watch-block voltage set is lower than 1.65V. The actual value can be found in the test script. [25.402,488] 15. Share Charge Between Capacitances [25.402,488] Set DP watch-block to be testing for voltage less than the value required. Connect 3.3V to D+ via 1nF test capacitor. Wait 1ms. This allows for charge sharing between standard 1nF capacitor and capacitance under test. [25.403,512] 16. Read watch-block to see if voltage on DP went above 1.65V. If it did, then the capacitance under test is less than 1nF and therefore in specification. [25.403,516] - Capacitance is less than 1nF. [25.403,531] End of Test [25.403,545] FAILED TEST - (Does not prevent further tests). ===End of Script=============================================== Opening script: CT_DCP_V_I.mpet Compile successful [25.496,551] DCP Voltage, Current and Recovery Time Test [25.496,552] TEST NOT YET AVAILABLE [25.496,581] Initial State: UUT is connected via Special Test Cable B, or its captive cable, to the PET. No load applied. DCP is switched on. [25.496,581] 1. IDCP is initially 0mA. Check that VBUS voltage, samples taken every 1 ms and averaged over TVBUS_AVG max (250ms), from DCP is within VCHG (4.75 - 5.25V). [25.750,858] - Vbus average (no load) was 4.988V - in spec. [25.750,859] [25.750,860] Emulate attaching PD [25.750,860] 2. Apply VDP_SRC nom. (0.6V) to D+. [25.751,878] 3. Wait TVDMSRC_EN max + 1 ms (= 21ms). [25.772,878] 4. Check D- > VDAT_REF min (0.25V). [25.772,884] - D- handshake seen OK (D- is at 0.608V.) [25.772,885] 5. Wait for 1ms more than the remainder of TVDPSRC_ON (40ms - 20ms = 20ms). [25.792,886] 6. Take D+ back to 0V. [25.793,904] [25.793,904] Load Testing [25.793,904] 7. Apply load of IDCP min (500 mA) to VBUS. [25.793,911] 8. Wait 1 sec to avoid possible transient period (overshoot and undershoot are measured separately). [26.793,911] 9. Check that VBUS voltage from DCP, at DCP connector, with samples taken every 1 ms and averaged over TVBUS_AVG max (250ms), is within VCHG (4.75 - 5.25V), making due allowance for voltage drop in cable. [26.793,912] Actual lower limit used at PET is 4.440V. [26.793,912] This is because 0.250V will be dropped in the test cable at 500mA. [26.793,913] A further allowance of 0.060V is included to cover variations in the connector resistance plus measurement tolerances. [27.047,857] Vbus average (500mA) was 4.692V - in spec. [27.047,858] 10. Increase load to IDEV_CHG max (1.5A). [27.057,870] 11. Wait 1 sec to avoid possible overshoot. [28.057,871] 12. Check that VBUS voltage from DCP, at DCP connector, with samples taken every 1 ms and averaged over TVBUS_AVG max (250ms), is below VCHG max (5.25V), making due allowance for voltage drop in cable. Report the voltage measured. [28.057,871] Actual lower limit used at PET is 3.920V. [28.057,872] This is because 0.750V will be dropped in the test cable at 1500mA. [28.057,872] A further allowance of 0.080V is included to cover variations in the connector resistance plus measurement tolerances. [28.310,166] - Vbus average (1500mA) was 0.000V - in spec. [28.310,167] 13. Disconnect the current load. [28.310,179] End of Test [28.310,191] PASSED TEST ===End of Script=============================================== Opening script: CT_DCP_REP.mpet Compile successful Checklist for Dedicated Charging Ports (DCPs). ---------------------------------------------- DCP1: Is the output voltage of the UUT less than VCHG_OVRSHT max for any step change in load current, and also when powering on of off? - YES (PASS) DCP2: Is the output current of the UUT prevented from exceeding ICDP max under any condition? - Vendor Declaration DCP3: If the UUT switches roles among SDP, CDP and DCP, does it allow VBUS to drop to less than VBUS_LKG and wait for a time TVBUS_REAPP before driving VBUS again? - Vendor Declaration DCP4: The UUT vendor has proven with schematics or by some other explanation that if there is a single failure, the output voltage on VBUS will not exceed VCHG_FAIL? - Vendor Declaration DCP5: As per provided UUT description: if the UUT provides multiple USB Charging Ports, the active UUT USB Charging Port does not affect operation of any other Charging Port. - Vendor Declaration DCP6: Does the UUT output a voltage of VCHG (averaged over TVBUS_AVG for all currents less than IDCP ? - YES (PASS) DCP7: Does the UUT maintain its supply without shutting down, provided that the load current is less than IDEV_CHG and the load voltage is greater than VDCP_SHTDWN ? - YES (PASS) DCP8: Is the output voltage of the UUT greater than VCHG_UNDSHT min for any step change in load current from IDCP_LOW to IDCP_MID ? - YES (PASS) DCP9: Is the output voltage of the UUT greater than VCHG_UNDSHT min for any step change in load current from IDCP_MID to IDCP_HI, including steps that occur TDCP_LD_STP after a transition from IDCP_LOW to IDCP_MID? - YES (PASS) DCP10: Is the duration of any undershoot less than TDCP_UNDSHT ? - YES (PASS) DCP11: Does the output voltage of the UUT drop below VCHG min for less than TDCP_UNDSHT, any step change in load current from IDCP_LOW to IDCP_HI provided the load current is less than IDCP min ? - YES (PASS) DCP12: Does the UUT have a resistance between D+ and D- of RDCP_DAT ? - NO (FAIL) DCP13: Does the UUT have a leakage current from D+/D- less than or equal to RDAT_LKG tied to a voltage of VDAT_LKG ? - NO (FAIL) DCP14: Does the UUT have a capacitance from D+/D- of CDCP_PWR ? - NO (FAIL) DCP15: Does the UUT have a Standard-A receptacle, or a captive cable terminated with a Micro-B plug? - Inspection ===End of Script=============================================== ===End of Test Sequence======================================== ----RESULT SUMMARY---- Pass - CT_DCP_OVRSHT.mpet FAIL - CT_DCP_HNDSHK.mpet FAIL - CT_DCP_R_C.mpet Pass - CT_DCP_V_I.mpet Pass - CT_DCP_REP.mpet ===End of Report===============================================
TPS2511 20181023 1550 Report_Product_0015.txt
Packet-Master USB-PET Report on Product Copyright � 2010-2013 MQP Electronics Ltd. Scripts OTG 2.0 Rel:, BC 1.2 Rel: Test run on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 15:49:49 ______________________________________________ Opening script: CT_DCP_OVRSHT.mpet Compile successful [0.140,703] DCP Overshoot and Undershoot Voltage Test [0.140,704] [0.140,704] SETTINGS [0.140,705] --------------------------------------------------- [0.140,706] * DCP cable is not captive [0.140,708] --------------------------------------------------- [0.140,708] [0.140,708] [0.140,738] Ensure UUT connected using Special Test Cable B. [2.113,603] If UUT power is on, switch it off, then click OK. [4.040,108] 3. Wait for voltage to fall below 0.5V. (Speed up fall with current load.) [4.040,126] - Voltage has fallen to 0.010V [4.040,132] 4. Set up voltage watch-block ready to capture overshoot of VCHG_OVRSHT (6.0V) on VBUS. [4.040,143] Plug DCP into 'wall-socket', or otherwise power it up, then click OK. [16.313,826] Checking for VBUS to be on. [16.313,832] - Voltage has risen to 5.010V [16.313,832] 7. Check watch-block overshoot detector latch was not triggered. [16.313,837] - Overshoot did not exceed 6.0V [16.313,840] 8. Set up voltage watch-block ready to capture undershoot of VCHG_UNDSHT (4.1V), or overshoot of VCHG_OVRSHT (6.0V) on VBUS. [16.313,863] 9. With an applied current load of IDCP_LOW min (0mA), check that VBUS average is within appropriate range VCHG (4.75V to 5.25V at the UUT) over the next TVBUS_AVG max (0.25 sec). [16.567,646] - Vbus average (no load) was 5.008V - in spec. [16.567,647] 10. Check watch-block overshoot and undershoot detector latches were not triggered. [16.567,651] - Overshoot did not exceed 6.0V [16.567,658] - Undershoot did not go below 4.1V [16.567,661] 11. Re-program watch-block to allow for voltage drop in cable. [16.567,684] [16.567,684] Emulate attaching PD [16.567,685] 12. Apply VDP_SRC nom. (0.6V) to D+. [16.568,702] 13. Wait TVDMSRC_EN max + 1 ms (= 21ms). [16.589,703] 14. Check D- > VDAT_REF min (0.25V). [16.589,710] - D- handshake seen OK (D- is at 2.018V.) [16.589,711] 15. Wait for 1ms more than the remainder of TVDPSRC_ON (40ms - 20ms = 20ms). [16.609,711] 16. Take D+ back to 0V. [16.610,729] [16.610,729] Load Testing [16.610,730] 17. Apply load of IDCP_MID max (100mA) to VBUS. [16.610,741] 18. Wait TDCP_UNDSHT max (10ms). [16.620,742] 19. Check VBUS, at DCP connector, is in range VCHG (4.75V to 5.25V), making due allowance for voltage drop in cable (spot check voltage). [16.620,743] Actual lower limit used at PET is 4.660V. [16.620,743] This is because 0.050V will be dropped in the test cable at 100mA. [16.620,744] A further allowance of 0.040V is included to cover variations in the connector resistance plus measurement tolerances. [16.620,751] - Spot check voltage was 4.946V (lies in range 4.75V to 5.25V at UUT) [16.620,752] 20. Check watch-block overshoot and undershoot detector latches were not triggered. [16.620,757] - Overshoot did not exceed 6.0V [16.620,764] - Undershoot did not go below 4.1V [16.620,767] 21. Re-program watch-block to allow for voltage drop in cable. [16.620,790] 22. Increase load on VBUS to IDCP min (500mA), 20ms after rise to IDCP mid. [16.620,796] 23. Wait TDCP_UNDSHT max (10ms). [16.630,796] 24. Check VBUS average, at DCP connector, is in range VCHG (4.75V to 5.25V), over the next TVBUS_AVG max (0.25 sec), making due allowance for voltage drop in cable. [16.630,797] Actual lower limit used at PET is 4.440V. [16.630,797] This is because 0.250V will be dropped in the test cable at 500mA. [16.630,798] A further allowance of 0.060V is included to cover variations in the connector resistance plus measurement tolerances. [16.884,691] - Vbus average (500mA) was 4.688V - in spec. [16.884,692] 25. Check watch-block overshoot and undershoot detector latches were not triggered. [16.884,696] - Overshoot did not exceed 6.0V [16.884,703] - Undershoot did not go below 4.1V [16.884,706] 26. Remove Current Load. [16.884,712] 27. Wait 100 ms [16.984,712] 28. Check watch-block overshoot and undershoot detector latches were not triggered. [16.984,717] - Overshoot did not exceed 6.0V [16.984,724] - Undershoot did not go below 4.1V [16.984,727] 29. Apply load of IDCP min (500mA) to VBUS. [16.984,733] 30. Wait TDCP_UNDSHT max (10ms). [16.994,733] 31. Check VBUS, at DCP connector, is in range VCHG (4.75V to 5.25V), making due allowance for voltage drop in cable (spot check voltage). [16.994,734] Actual lower limit used at PET is 4.440V. [16.994,734] This is because 0.250V will be dropped in the test cable at 500mA. [16.994,735] A further allowance of 0.060V is included to cover variations in the connector resistance plus measurement tolerances. [16.994,742] - Spot check voltage was 4.688V (lies in range 4.75V to 5.25V at UUT) [16.994,744] 32. Check VBUS average, at DCP connector, is in range VCHG (4.75V to 5.25V), over the next TVBUS_AVG max (0.25 sec), making due allowance for voltage drop in cable. [16.994,744] Actual lower limit used at PET is 4.440V. [16.994,745] This is because 0.250V will be dropped in the test cable at 500mA. [16.994,745] A further allowance of 0.060V is included to cover variations in the connector resistance plus measurement tolerances. [17.248,708] - Vbus average (500mA) was 4.688V - in spec. [17.248,709] 33. Remove Current Load. [17.248,715] 34. Wait 100ms [17.348,715] 35. Check watch-block overshoot and undershoot detector latches were not triggered. [17.348,720] - Overshoot did not exceed 6.0V [17.348,727] - Undershoot did not go below 4.1V [17.348,730] End of Test [17.348,742] PASSED TEST ===End of Script=============================================== Opening script: CT_DCP_HNDSHK.mpet Compile successful [17.435,023] DCP Handshaking Test [17.445,064] [17.445,065] Initial State: UUT is connected via Special Test Cable B, or its captive cable, to the PET. No load applied. DCP is switched on. Data lines switched to data measurement circuit. [17.445,065] 1. Check VBUS is above VOTG_SESS_VLD max (4V). [DCP6] [17.445,072] - VBUS is at 5.008V. We may proceed. [17.445,072] 2. Wait 200ms [17.645,073] [17.645,073] Primary Detection [17.645,074] 3. Connect voltage source (0.6V) via 200R resistor to D+. [17.645,074] Note. PET connects voltage source of 0V via 100k to D-, to prevent false detection of voltage on D+. [17.646,097] 4. Wait slightly more than TVDMSRC_EN max (20ms +1 ms = 21ms). [17.667,098] 5. Check D- voltage is in range VDM_SRC (0.5V - 0.7V). [DCP12, DCP13] [17.667,105] FAIL: D- is 1.573V. [17.667,106] 6. Wait 20ms to complete TVDPSRC_ON. [17.687,107] 7. Disconnect voltage source via 200R resistor from D+. [17.687,119] [17.687,119] Secondary Detection [17.687,120] 8. Connect voltage source (0.6V) via 200R resistor to D-. [17.687,120] Note. PET connects voltage source of 0V via 100k to D+, to prevent false detection of voltage on D-. [17.688,143] 9. Wait 21ms. [17.709,144] 10. Check D+ voltage is in range VDM_SRC (0.5V - 0.7V). [DCP12, DCP13] [17.709,151] FAIL: D+ is 2.115V. [17.709,152] 11. Wait 20ms to complete TVDMSRC_ON. [17.729,153] 12. Disconnect voltage source via 200R resistor from D-. [17.729,165] 13. Wait 5 seconds for UUT to recover. [22.729,165] [22.729,166] End of Test [22.729,187] FAILED TEST - (Does not prevent further tests). ===End of Script=============================================== Opening script: CT_DCP_R_C.mpet Compile successful [22.821,903] DCP Resistance and Capacitance Tests [22.821,904] [22.821,933] Initial State: UUT is connected via Special Test Cable B, or its captive cable, to the PET. No load applied. DCP is switched on. Data lines switched to data measurement circuit. [22.821,934] [22.821,934] Emulate attaching PD [22.821,934] 1. Apply VDP_SRC nom. (0.6V) to D+. [22.822,952] 2. Wait TVDMSRC_EN max + 1 ms (= 21ms). [22.843,953] 3. Check D- > VDAT_REF min (0.25V). [22.843,959] - D- handshake seen OK (D- is at 2.018V.) [22.843,960] 4. Wait for 1ms more than the remainder of TVDPSRC_ON (40ms - 20ms = 20ms). [22.863,960] 5. Take D+ back to 0V. [22.864,978] [22.864,978] Checking Resistance between D+ and D- [22.864,979] 6. Check that resistance from D+ to D- is less than RDCP_DAT max (200R). i.e. Connect 3.0V via 200R resistor to D+, connect 0V via 200R resistor to D-. Measure voltages at D+ and D-. The difference must be less than 1.05V. [22.875,018] FAIL: Voltage difference 2.973V exceeds 1.05V [22.875,042] [22.875,042] Checking leakage from D+ or D- [22.875,042] 7. Connect D+ via 100k to 0V [22.875,049] 8. Wait 2 seconds to eliminate capacitive effects. [24.875,049] 9. Check that voltage at D+ is below 1.44V (Two RDAT_LKG (300k) in parallel, VDAT_LKG = 3.6V). [24.875,054] - Leakage sourced by D+/D- in spec (V = 0.607V). [24.875,062] 10. Connect D+ via 100K to 3.3V [24.875,074] 11. Wait 2 seconds to eliminate capacitive effects. [26.875,075] 12. Check that D+ is greater than 1.98V (Two RDAT_LKG (300k) in parallel, VDAT_LKG = 0V). [26.875,079] - Leakage sunk by D+/D- in spec (V = 2.800V). [26.875,093] [26.875,093] Checking Capacitance of D+ or D- [26.875,094] 13. Discharge Standard 1nF capacitor and Capacitance under Test [26.875,094] Connect 0V to D+ via 1nF test capacitor. Connect 0V to D- via 200R resistor. There is a tested, <200R, resistor between DM and DP. This will discharge the standard 1nF capacitor and the capacitance under test to 0V. Wait 10ms. [26.885,118] 14. Isolate Capacitances [26.885,118] Disconnect 0V from test capacitor to isolate it. Disconnect 0V from 200R resistor. [26.885,130] Note: We will now use the D+ voltage watch-block to determine whether, during the charge-sharing process, D+ rises above 1.65V. The watch-block amplifier has a limited band-width by design, so that the watch-block voltage set is lower than 1.65V. The actual value can be found in the test script. [26.885,130] 15. Share Charge Between Capacitances [26.885,131] Set DP watch-block to be testing for voltage less than the value required. Connect 3.3V to D+ via 1nF test capacitor. Wait 1ms. This allows for charge sharing between standard 1nF capacitor and capacitance under test. [26.886,154] 16. Read watch-block to see if voltage on DP went above 1.65V. If it did, then the capacitance under test is less than 1nF and therefore in specification. [26.886,159] - Capacitance is less than 1nF. [26.886,173] End of Test [26.886,187] FAILED TEST - (Does not prevent further tests). ===End of Script=============================================== Opening script: CT_DCP_V_I.mpet Compile successful [26.979,633] DCP Voltage, Current and Recovery Time Test [26.979,634] TEST NOT YET AVAILABLE [26.979,663] Initial State: UUT is connected via Special Test Cable B, or its captive cable, to the PET. No load applied. DCP is switched on. [26.979,664] 1. IDCP is initially 0mA. Check that VBUS voltage, samples taken every 1 ms and averaged over TVBUS_AVG max (250ms), from DCP is within VCHG (4.75 - 5.25V). [27.234,062] - Vbus average (no load) was 4.988V - in spec. [27.234,062] [27.234,063] Emulate attaching PD [27.234,063] 2. Apply VDP_SRC nom. (0.6V) to D+. [27.235,081] 3. Wait TVDMSRC_EN max + 1 ms (= 21ms). [27.256,082] 4. Check D- > VDAT_REF min (0.25V). [27.256,088] - D- handshake seen OK (D- is at 0.608V.) [27.256,089] 5. Wait for 1ms more than the remainder of TVDPSRC_ON (40ms - 20ms = 20ms). [27.276,089] 6. Take D+ back to 0V. [27.277,107] [27.277,107] Load Testing [27.277,108] 7. Apply load of IDCP min (500 mA) to VBUS. [27.277,114] 8. Wait 1 sec to avoid possible transient period (overshoot and undershoot are measured separately). [28.277,114] 9. Check that VBUS voltage from DCP, at DCP connector, with samples taken every 1 ms and averaged over TVBUS_AVG max (250ms), is within VCHG (4.75 - 5.25V), making due allowance for voltage drop in cable. [28.277,115] Actual lower limit used at PET is 4.440V. [28.277,115] This is because 0.250V will be dropped in the test cable at 500mA. [28.277,116] A further allowance of 0.060V is included to cover variations in the connector resistance plus measurement tolerances. [28.531,079] Vbus average (500mA) was 4.688V - in spec. [28.531,080] 10. Increase load to IDEV_CHG max (1.5A). [28.541,091] 11. Wait 1 sec to avoid possible overshoot. [29.541,092] 12. Check that VBUS voltage from DCP, at DCP connector, with samples taken every 1 ms and averaged over TVBUS_AVG max (250ms), is below VCHG max (5.25V), making due allowance for voltage drop in cable. Report the voltage measured. [29.541,093] Actual lower limit used at PET is 3.920V. [29.541,093] This is because 0.750V will be dropped in the test cable at 1500mA. [29.541,094] A further allowance of 0.080V is included to cover variations in the connector resistance plus measurement tolerances. [29.793,190] - Vbus average (1500mA) was 0.000V - in spec. [29.793,191] 13. Disconnect the current load. [29.793,202] End of Test [29.793,215] PASSED TEST ===End of Script=============================================== Opening script: CT_DCP_REP.mpet Compile successful Checklist for Dedicated Charging Ports (DCPs). ---------------------------------------------- DCP1: Is the output voltage of the UUT less than VCHG_OVRSHT max for any step change in load current, and also when powering on of off? - YES (PASS) DCP2: Is the output current of the UUT prevented from exceeding ICDP max under any condition? - Vendor Declaration DCP3: If the UUT switches roles among SDP, CDP and DCP, does it allow VBUS to drop to less than VBUS_LKG and wait for a time TVBUS_REAPP before driving VBUS again? - Vendor Declaration DCP4: The UUT vendor has proven with schematics or by some other explanation that if there is a single failure, the output voltage on VBUS will not exceed VCHG_FAIL? - Vendor Declaration DCP5: As per provided UUT description: if the UUT provides multiple USB Charging Ports, the active UUT USB Charging Port does not affect operation of any other Charging Port. - Vendor Declaration DCP6: Does the UUT output a voltage of VCHG (averaged over TVBUS_AVG for all currents less than IDCP ? - YES (PASS) DCP7: Does the UUT maintain its supply without shutting down, provided that the load current is less than IDEV_CHG and the load voltage is greater than VDCP_SHTDWN ? - YES (PASS) DCP8: Is the output voltage of the UUT greater than VCHG_UNDSHT min for any step change in load current from IDCP_LOW to IDCP_MID ? - YES (PASS) DCP9: Is the output voltage of the UUT greater than VCHG_UNDSHT min for any step change in load current from IDCP_MID to IDCP_HI, including steps that occur TDCP_LD_STP after a transition from IDCP_LOW to IDCP_MID? - YES (PASS) DCP10: Is the duration of any undershoot less than TDCP_UNDSHT ? - YES (PASS) DCP11: Does the output voltage of the UUT drop below VCHG min for less than TDCP_UNDSHT, any step change in load current from IDCP_LOW to IDCP_HI provided the load current is less than IDCP min ? - YES (PASS) DCP12: Does the UUT have a resistance between D+ and D- of RDCP_DAT ? - NO (FAIL) DCP13: Does the UUT have a leakage current from D+/D- less than or equal to RDAT_LKG tied to a voltage of VDAT_LKG ? - NO (FAIL) DCP14: Does the UUT have a capacitance from D+/D- of CDCP_PWR ? - NO (FAIL) DCP15: Does the UUT have a Standard-A receptacle, or a captive cable terminated with a Micro-B plug? - Inspection ===End of Script=============================================== ===End of Test Sequence======================================== ----RESULT SUMMARY---- Pass - CT_DCP_OVRSHT.mpet FAIL - CT_DCP_HNDSHK.mpet FAIL - CT_DCP_R_C.mpet Pass - CT_DCP_V_I.mpet Pass - CT_DCP_REP.mpet ===End of Report===============================================