Tool/software: Linux
I'm a French student working on an RC autonomous car project. The first part of the project consists in controlling two DC motors using Pulse With Modulation. I use the L293D with a Raspberry Pi 3B+.
I have a 7.2 V battery for the VCC2 and 5V from the RPi for the VCC1. I tried using PWM with the EN1 pin then with the IN1/2 pin (respectively EN2 and IN3/4 for the second engine). However, I still have the same problem.
When I run my code, a significant voltage drop occurs (between 3 and 4V). I can measure it at VCC1, VCC2 and at the outputs, even with a PWM at 100%. Therefore, my engines do not turn fast enough and I don't know how this voltage drop can be avoided.
Is it possible to avoid this voltage drop? Is the code the only problem, even though I tried two methods (sending PWM to the EN pin and using IN1/IN2 for the directions, or setting EN to High and using PWM on IN1 or IN2 depending on the direction)?
Thank you,