It seems that the image of the component has a different pinning from the table with the pinning numbers. Which is correct?
On page 6, it is stated in the table that:
VBST2=14, SW2=15, PGND2=16, EN2=13 and VFB2=11
VBST3=20, SW3=19, PGND3=18, EN3=17 and VFB3=12
In the image of page 6, one can see the following pins in the illustration:
VBST2=20, SW2=19, PGND2=18, EN2=17 and VFB2=11
VBST3=14, SW3=15, PGND3=16, EN3=13 and VFB3=12
So it looks like almost all pins (VBST, SW, PGDN, EN) from DC-DC two and three are switched, except for the VFB-pin, which is the same in both the illustration and the data sheet. Connecting the wrong feed-back to the wrong DC-DC will result in an incorrect voltage at the output.
Which information regarding the pinning is correct: the information in the table or in the image?
Best regards
Henrik Brenning