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BQ27520EVM: Learning Cycle Success criteria and Golden Firmware generation

Part Number: BQ27520EVM


I have been recently working on configuring a bq27520 chip in a project I am working on.  I have been using the EVM to run chemical ID tests and learning cycle tests in an effort to generate a golden binary for programming the fuel gauge with prior to deploying it in an embedded system.

I was able to run several successful chemical ID tests.  I decided on the ID 3171.  From here, I ran a complete learning cycle that failed.  About 1 day later I ran another learning cycle that got "successful" results.  I saw that Data Memory-->Gas Gauging-->State-->Update Status 1: changed to 0x02.

I also saw that data memory Ra1 Table had been updated. Although the other "update status" was 0x02, the Data Memory-->RaTables-->Ra1 Table--> Ra Status was 0x05 at the end of the run.  Should this be considered a successful learning cycle?    The Ra0 table that had been updated during the first "failed" cycle status (Data Memory-->Ra Tables--> Ra0 Table --> Ra Status) changed to 0.

There is also another "update status" in the Data Memory-->OCV Tables-->OCVa0 Table-->Update Status and OCVa1 Table-->Update Status.  These values seemed to be at 0x00 the whole time.

I have read that I am supposed to "copy the table that has the learned, ie the qmax and Ra values to the one that are unlearned so both tables will now have the same values"  in preparation for creating a golden binary (slua902).  Does this mean I am supposed to copy the Ra1 Table (including Ra Status, Ra Flag, Ra Base, and Ra Gain) to every single one of the Ra Tables: Ra0 Default, Ra1 Default, Ra0 Table, Ra1 Table, Ra0x Table, Ta1x Table?   It is a little unclear due to their being 6 tables and instead of the implied 2.

Also, do I copy Data Memory-->Gas Gauging--> State --> Qmax Cell1 to Data Memory-->OCV Tables-->OCVa[0/1]-->Qmax Cell?

I am attaching my log file from the run as well as the exported settings before and after the learning cycle.

Thanks for the help,


  • SettingsBefore.txt
    * Texas Instruments Data Flash File
    * File created Wed Jan 30 17:45:21 2019
    * Device Number 520
    * Firmware Version 3.29
    * Build Number not available
    * Order Number not available
    * bqz Device Number 0x0520
    * bqz Firmware Version 0x0329
    * bqz Build Number 3.29
    * Field Order: Class name, Subclass name, Parameter name, Parameter Value, Display Units
    "Configuration","Safety","OT Chg","55.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Safety","OT Chg Time","2","s"
    "Configuration","Safety","OT Chg Recovery","50.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Safety","OT Dsg","60.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Safety","OT Dsg Time","2","s"
    "Configuration","Safety","OT Dsg Recovery","55.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge Inhibit Cfg","Chg Inhibit Temp Low","0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge Inhibit Cfg","Chg Inhibit Temp High","45.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge Inhibit Cfg","Temp Hys","5.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge","Charging Voltage","4200","mV"
    "Configuration","Charge","Delta Temp","5.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge","Suspend Low Temp","-5.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge","Suspend High Temp","55.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","Taper Current","70","mA"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","Taper Voltage","100","mV"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","TCA Set %","99","%"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","TCA Clear %","95","%"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","FC Set %","-1","%"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","FC Clear %","98","%"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","DODatEOC Delta T","5.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Data","Initial Standby","-10","mA"
    "Configuration","Data","CC Threshold","765","mAh"
    "Configuration","Data","Design Capacity","850","mAh"
    "Configuration","Data","Des Energy Scale","1","Num"
    "Configuration","Data","SOH LoadI","-100","mA"
    "Configuration","Data","Default Temperature","298.2","°K"
    "Configuration","Data","Device Name","bq27520","String"
    "Configuration","Data","Data Flash Version","0000","Hex"
    "Configuration","Discharge","SOC1 Set Threshold","150","mAh"
    "Configuration","Discharge","SOC1 Clear Threshold","175","mAh"
    "Configuration","Discharge","SysDown Set Volt Threshold","3150","mV"
    "Configuration","Discharge","SysDown Set Volt Time","2","s"
    "Configuration","Discharge","SysDown Clear Volt","3400","mV"
    "Configuration","Discharge","Final Voltage","3000","mV"
    "Configuration","Discharge","Final Volt Time","2","s"
    "Configuration","Discharge","Def Avg I Last Run","-299","mA"
    "Configuration","Discharge","Def Avg P Last Run","-1131","mW"
    "Configuration","Registers","Op Config","0972","Flag"
    "Configuration","Registers","SOC Delta","1","%"
    "Configuration","Registers","i2c Timeout","4","0.5s"
    "Configuration","Registers","DF Wr Ind Wait","0","100us"
    "Configuration","Registers","OpConfig B","4a","Flag"
    "Configuration","Registers","OpConfig C","2c","Flag"
    "Configuration","Registers","OpConfig D","5e","Flag"
    "Configuration","Registers","OpConfig E","00","Flag"
    "Configuration","Power","Flash Update OK Voltage","2800","mV"
    "Configuration","Power","Sleep Current","10","mA"
    "Configuration","Power","Hibernate I","8","mA"
    "Configuration","Power","Hibernate V","2550","mV"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 0","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 1","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 2","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 3","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 4","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 5","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 6","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 7","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 8","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 9","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 10","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 11","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 12","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 13","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 14","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 15","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 16","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 17","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 18","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 19","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 20","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 21","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 22","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 23","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 24","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 25","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 26","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 27","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 28","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 29","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 30","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 31","00","Hex"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Load Select","1","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Load Mode","0","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Max Res Factor","15","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Min Res Factor","7","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Ra Filter","800","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qmax Start DOD %","92","%"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qmax End DOD %","96","%"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qm Start V Delta","125","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qmax Current Threshold","4","Hr rate"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qmax Min Points","3","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Min % Passed Chg for Qm","37","%"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Qmax Filter","96","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Max % Default Qmax","110","%"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Terminate Voltage","3000","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Term V Delta","200","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","ResRelax Time","500","s"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","User Rate-mA","0","mA"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","User Rate-m/cW","0","pwr"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Reserve Cap-mAh","0","mAh"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Reserve Cap-m/cWh","0","pwr"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Min Delta Voltage","0","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Max Sim Rate","1","Hr rate"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Min Sim Rate","20","Hr rate"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Ra Max Delta","44","mOhm"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Qmax Max Delta %","5","%"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","DeltaV Max dV","10","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Max Res Scale","5000","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Min Res Scale","200","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Scale Start SOC","10","%"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Dsg Current Threshold","60","mA"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Chg Current Threshold","75","mA"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Quit Current","40","mA"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Dsg Relax Time","60","s"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Chg Relax Time","60","s"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Quit Relax Time","1","s"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Transient Factor Charge","128","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Transient Factor Discharge","128","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Max IR Correct","400","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","State","IT Enable","01","Hex"
    "Gas Gauging","State","App Status","00","Flag"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Qmax Cell 0","935","mAh"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Cycle Count 0","9","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Update Status 0","01","Hex"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Qmax Cell 1","1000","mAh"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Cycle Count 1","0","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Update Status 1","00","Hex"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Avg I Last Run","-103","mA"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Avg P Last Run","-372","pwr"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Delta Voltage","1","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","State","T Rise","20","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","State","T Time Constant","1000","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Cell 0 V at Chg Term","4240","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Cell 1 V at Chg Term","4200","mV"
    "OCV Tables","OCVa0 Table","Chem ID","3171","Flag"
    "OCV Tables","OCVa0 Table","Qmax Cell","1000","mAh"
    "OCV Tables","OCVa0 Table","Update Status","00","Hex"
    "OCV Tables","OCVa1 Table","Chem ID","3171","Flag"
    "OCV Tables","OCVa1 Table","Qmax Cell","1000","mAh"
    "OCV Tables","OCVa1 Table","Update Status","00","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra Status","ff","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra Flag","55","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra Base","19","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra Gain","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 1","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 2","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 3","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 4","-7","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 5","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 6","14","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 7","-5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 8","-3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 9","-2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 10","3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 11","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 12","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 13","17","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 14","27","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra Status","ff","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra Flag","55","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra Base","19","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra Gain","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 1","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 2","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 3","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 4","-7","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 5","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 6","14","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 7","-5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 8","-3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 9","-2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 10","3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 11","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 12","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 13","17","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 14","27","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra Status","05","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra Flag","55","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra Base","148","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra Gain","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 1","4","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 2","-24","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 3","-6","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 4","-34","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 5","16","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 6","32","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 7","-38","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 8","-38","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 9","-27","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 10","-19","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 11","-7","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 12","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 13","3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 14","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra Status","ff","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra Flag","55","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra Base","19","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra Gain","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 1","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 2","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 3","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 4","-7","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 5","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 6","14","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 7","-5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 8","-3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 9","-2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 10","3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 11","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 12","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 13","17","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 14","27","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra Status","ff","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra Flag","ff","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra Base","19","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra Gain","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 1","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 2","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 3","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 4","-7","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 5","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 6","14","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 7","-5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 8","-3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 9","-2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 10","3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 11","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 12","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 13","17","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 14","27","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra Status","ff","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra Flag","ff","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra Base","19","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra Gain","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 1","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 2","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 3","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 4","-7","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 5","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 6","14","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 7","-5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 8","-3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 9","-2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 10","3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 11","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 12","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 13","17","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 14","27","Num"
    "Calibration","Data","CC Gain","10.000","mOhm"
    "Calibration","Data","CC Delta","10.000","mOhm"
    "Calibration","Data","CC Offset","-1491","Counts"
    "Calibration","Data","Board Offset","0","Counts"
    "Calibration","Data","Int Temp Offset","0","°C"
    "Calibration","Data","Ext Temp Offset","0","°C"
    "Calibration","Data","Pack V Offset","0","mV"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext a Coef 1","-11130","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext a Coef 2","19142","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext a Coef 3","-19262","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext a Coef 4","28203","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext a Coef 5","892","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext b Coef 1","328","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext b Coef 2","-605","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext b Coef 3","-2443","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext b Coef 4","4696","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext Ideal AD at Tcal","11703","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext True AD at Tcal","11338","Num"
    "Security","Codes","Sealed to Unsealed","36720414","Hex"
    "Security","Codes","Unsealed to Full","ffffffff","Hex"

    * Texas Instruments Data Flash File
    * File created Fri Feb 01 09:29:42 2019
    * Device Number 520
    * Firmware Version 3.29
    * Build Number not available
    * Order Number not available
    * bqz Device Number 0x0520
    * bqz Firmware Version 0x0329
    * bqz Build Number 3.29
    * Field Order: Class name, Subclass name, Parameter name, Parameter Value, Display Units
    "Configuration","Safety","OT Chg","55.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Safety","OT Chg Time","2","s"
    "Configuration","Safety","OT Chg Recovery","50.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Safety","OT Dsg","60.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Safety","OT Dsg Time","2","s"
    "Configuration","Safety","OT Dsg Recovery","55.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge Inhibit Cfg","Chg Inhibit Temp Low","0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge Inhibit Cfg","Chg Inhibit Temp High","45.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge Inhibit Cfg","Temp Hys","5.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge","Charging Voltage","4200","mV"
    "Configuration","Charge","Delta Temp","5.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge","Suspend Low Temp","-5.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge","Suspend High Temp","55.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","Taper Current","70","mA"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","Taper Voltage","100","mV"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","TCA Set %","99","%"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","TCA Clear %","95","%"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","FC Set %","-1","%"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","FC Clear %","98","%"
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","DODatEOC Delta T","5.0","°C"
    "Configuration","Data","Initial Standby","0","mA"
    "Configuration","Data","CC Threshold","765","mAh"
    "Configuration","Data","Design Capacity","850","mAh"
    "Configuration","Data","Des Energy Scale","1","Num"
    "Configuration","Data","SOH LoadI","-50","mA"
    "Configuration","Data","Default Temperature","298.2","°K"
    "Configuration","Data","Device Name","bq27520","String"
    "Configuration","Data","Data Flash Version","0000","Hex"
    "Configuration","Discharge","SOC1 Set Threshold","150","mAh"
    "Configuration","Discharge","SOC1 Clear Threshold","175","mAh"
    "Configuration","Discharge","SysDown Set Volt Threshold","3150","mV"
    "Configuration","Discharge","SysDown Set Volt Time","2","s"
    "Configuration","Discharge","SysDown Clear Volt","3400","mV"
    "Configuration","Discharge","Final Voltage","3000","mV"
    "Configuration","Discharge","Final Volt Time","2","s"
    "Configuration","Discharge","Def Avg I Last Run","-299","mA"
    "Configuration","Discharge","Def Avg P Last Run","-1131","mW"
    "Configuration","Registers","Op Config","0972","Flag"
    "Configuration","Registers","SOC Delta","1","%"
    "Configuration","Registers","i2c Timeout","4","0.5s"
    "Configuration","Registers","DF Wr Ind Wait","0","100us"
    "Configuration","Registers","OpConfig B","4a","Flag"
    "Configuration","Registers","OpConfig C","2c","Flag"
    "Configuration","Registers","OpConfig D","5e","Flag"
    "Configuration","Registers","OpConfig E","00","Flag"
    "Configuration","Power","Flash Update OK Voltage","2800","mV"
    "Configuration","Power","Sleep Current","0","mA"
    "Configuration","Power","Hibernate I","8","mA"
    "Configuration","Power","Hibernate V","2550","mV"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 0","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 1","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 2","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 3","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 4","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 5","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 6","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 7","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 8","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 9","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 10","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 11","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 12","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 13","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 14","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 15","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 16","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 17","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 18","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 19","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 20","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 21","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 22","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 23","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 24","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 25","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 26","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 27","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 28","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 29","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 30","00","Hex"
    "System Data","Manufacturer Info","Block 31","00","Hex"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Load Select","1","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Load Mode","1","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Max Res Factor","15","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Min Res Factor","7","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Ra Filter","800","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qmax Start DOD %","92","%"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qmax End DOD %","96","%"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qm Start V Delta","125","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qmax Current Threshold","4","Hr rate"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qmax Min Points","3","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Min % Passed Chg for Qm","37","%"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Qmax Filter","96","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Max % Default Qmax","110","%"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Terminate Voltage","3000","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Term V Delta","200","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","ResRelax Time","500","s"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","User Rate-mA","0","mA"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","User Rate-m/cW","0","pwr"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Reserve Cap-mAh","0","mAh"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Reserve Cap-m/cWh","0","pwr"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Min Delta Voltage","0","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Max Sim Rate","1","Hr rate"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Min Sim Rate","20","Hr rate"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Ra Max Delta","44","mOhm"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Qmax Max Delta %","5","%"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","DeltaV Max dV","10","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Max Res Scale","5000","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Min Res Scale","200","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Scale Start SOC","10","%"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Dsg Current Threshold","5","mA"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Chg Current Threshold","50","mA"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Quit Current","2","mA"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Dsg Relax Time","60","s"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Chg Relax Time","60","s"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Quit Relax Time","1","s"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Transient Factor Charge","128","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Transient Factor Discharge","128","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Max IR Correct","400","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","State","IT Enable","01","Hex"
    "Gas Gauging","State","App Status","01","Flag"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Qmax Cell 0","935","mAh"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Cycle Count 0","9","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Update Status 0","01","Hex"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Qmax Cell 1","935","mAh"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Cycle Count 1","1","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Update Status 1","02","Hex"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Avg I Last Run","-103","mA"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Avg P Last Run","-372","pwr"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Delta Voltage","2","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","State","T Rise","20","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","State","T Time Constant","1000","Num"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Cell 0 V at Chg Term","4240","mV"
    "Gas Gauging","State","Cell 1 V at Chg Term","4200","mV"
    "OCV Tables","OCVa0 Table","Chem ID","3171","Flag"
    "OCV Tables","OCVa0 Table","Qmax Cell","1000","mAh"
    "OCV Tables","OCVa0 Table","Update Status","00","Hex"
    "OCV Tables","OCVa1 Table","Chem ID","3171","Flag"
    "OCV Tables","OCVa1 Table","Qmax Cell","1000","mAh"
    "OCV Tables","OCVa1 Table","Update Status","00","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra Status","ff","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra Flag","55","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra Base","19","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra Gain","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 1","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 2","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 3","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 4","-7","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 5","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 6","14","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 7","-5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 8","-3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 9","-2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 10","3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 11","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 12","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 13","17","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Default","Ra 14","27","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra Status","ff","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra Flag","55","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra Base","19","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra Gain","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 1","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 2","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 3","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 4","-7","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 5","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 6","14","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 7","-5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 8","-3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 9","-2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 10","3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 11","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 12","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 13","17","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Default","Ra 14","27","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra Status","00","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra Flag","55","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra Base","148","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra Gain","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 1","4","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 2","-24","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 3","-6","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 4","-34","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 5","16","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 6","32","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 7","-38","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 8","-38","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 9","-27","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 10","-19","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 11","-7","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 12","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 13","3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0 Table","Ra 14","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra Status","05","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra Flag","55","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra Base","35","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra Gain","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 1","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 2","14","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 3","17","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 4","-13","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 5","12","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 6","44","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 7","-16","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 8","-17","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 9","-16","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 10","6","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 11","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 12","11","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 13","36","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1 Table","Ra 14","58","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra Status","ff","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra Flag","ff","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra Base","19","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra Gain","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 1","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 2","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 3","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 4","-7","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 5","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 6","14","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 7","-5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 8","-3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 9","-2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 10","3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 11","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 12","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 13","17","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra0x Table","Ra 14","27","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra Status","ff","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra Flag","ff","Hex"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra Base","19","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra Gain","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 1","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 2","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 3","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 4","-7","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 5","2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 6","14","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 7","-5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 8","-3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 9","-2","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 10","3","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 11","0","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 12","5","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 13","17","Num"
    "Ra Tables","Ra1x Table","Ra 14","27","Num"
    "Calibration","Data","CC Gain","10.000","mOhm"
    "Calibration","Data","CC Delta","10.000","mOhm"
    "Calibration","Data","CC Offset","-1489","Counts"
    "Calibration","Data","Board Offset","0","Counts"
    "Calibration","Data","Int Temp Offset","0","°C"
    "Calibration","Data","Ext Temp Offset","0","°C"
    "Calibration","Data","Pack V Offset","0","mV"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext a Coef 1","-11130","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext a Coef 2","19142","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext a Coef 3","-19262","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext a Coef 4","28203","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext a Coef 5","892","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext b Coef 1","328","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext b Coef 2","-605","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext b Coef 3","-2443","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext b Coef 4","4696","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext Ideal AD at Tcal","11703","Num"
    "Calibration","Temp Model","Ext True AD at Tcal","11338","Num"
    "Security","Codes","Sealed to Unsealed","36720414","Hex"
    "Security","Codes","Unsealed to Full","ffffffff","Hex"


  • Hi Edward

    Yes your learning was successful. Copy the Ra table from the one whose status and flag was 00 and 55 respectively to all the other tables. Do not copy the status and flags, just the table i.e base, gain and ra1-14. Also copy update status 02 to all the update statuses and copy the learned qmax to all the other qmax.

    I hope this answers your questions.
  • Thank you Onyx.

    I think you've answered my question. On a related note, I generated this golden binary and uploaded it to the target embedded fuel gauge device (the one before was on the EVM). I have done this with a couple of devices. One reports 0% SOC and the other 100% SOC while in reality they should both be somewhere around ~50%.

    Should I be expecting correct readings, or is this normal? Do I need to perform another calibration routine or something to let thedevice know it has been updated?

  • Hi Eddie,
    When you programmed the gauge was there current flowing in your system? 0% and 100% is not normal. You need to ensure there is no current draw or charge current when you program the gauge.

  • Yes, there was probably 20-30 mA being drawn from the battery when the system was being programmed. I'll ensure that no other systems are enabled when I program the device and see if this helps.



  • In the final system, I've not been able to reduce the current draw of my system to less than 1.3 mA. I ran through the board offset calibration and the bq27520 still reads about -7mA. I am thinking perhaps if I short the sense resistor while programming ( and if I can get a board offset calibration to work so it reads 0 mA) then I might be able to have 0 mA while programming. Does this seem like a reasonable approach?

  • Edward,
    Is it not possible to just disable your system before programming the device? With 1.3mA, is the gauge still reporting erroneous SOC values?

  • Hi Onyx,

    I included a screenshot of the dashboard that I have here.  I just tried "Programming" the golden binary again. I am measuring the current with DMM at ~1.3 mA (drawn from battery).  It seems that the device is correctly measuring the instantaneous current at 1 mA.    The procedure I ran was "Unseal," run the programming procedure, then "reset," "it-enable," then "sealed".  I'm not sure it there is anything else that stands out as being and issue that you can see on the screen shot.   I still am receiving 0% as my SOC (though TrueSOC is reporting 100%).

    I am unfortunately not able to completely disable the system due to considerations not being made for isolating this system completely. I am running an MCU in its lowest power mode and have disabled all other devices on the board that I can. Most of the testing has been done using the EVM. The board is really compact with mostly bga components that do not really allow any alterations to be made non-destructively. 

    Thanks for the continued help,


  • Eddie,
    Your device doesn't show you have IT enabled. The QEN flag will be set if IT is enabled and it should be set.

    It appears you are charging your battery to around 4V. Is that what is needed by your application?

    Setting the IT enable should correct SOC to be close to what true SOC is which is 100% given you have unfiltered and filtered values to be the same.

  • The QEN flag will be set if IT is enabled and it should be set. --> I am running the IT_ENABLE command and Refreshing the registers, but as you mentioned, it does not appear to have an effect. I know that I got this to work during the learning cycles. Do you know what is preventing this?

    Is my battery supposed to be empty when it is installed/ Do I need to fully discharge and relax the battery before I can set IT enable (like during the learning cycle)?

    I have been charging my battery to 4.2 volts so this battery is somewhat depleted.

  • The IT enable command is not a toggle command. Once you send it, it should be set unless you are in a small range of voltages where IT will not set VOK. You can try a reset and then send an IT enable command and see what happens.

    You need not have to fully discharge a battery during installation.