We are using TPS79625DCQR in one of our designs.
We are converting from 3.3V to 2.5V in our case. Our total continuous current requirement is about 800mA. Attached the circuit schematics below.
On the board we are seeing the voltage drop from 2.5V to about 2.2V. (Ref image 5V_3.3V(FPGAbank2con).jpg)
Suspecting on the devices connected we tried lifting the pin4(output pin) of the device and we observed the output. We see that the Power is about 2.5V swinging(Ref: 5V_2.5V(red)Pinlifted.jpg)
After this to clear the board side, we provided an external supply of 2.5V. Observed that the circuits were driving just 360mA. & when probed we did not observe any swings as in previous case.
Now what could be the reason for this dip in the voltage.
Can anyone please help me with this.
Thanks & Regards,
Nanjunda M