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BQ34Z950: battery not 100% charge

Part Number: BQ34Z950
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ2050


I am using  IC BQ34Z950 with 4 LI-ION cell in series, it take charging current 1A I want to reduce charging current please tell me the which parameters are need to changes in my parameter file and battery charge to 100% but after 2Hour relax time it is 96% 

I am also trying to complete the learning cycle. the Update status is always 6. There are the steps I followed.
1) Sent IT enable. Start discharging the battery till empty.
2) Wait for 5 Hrs.
3) Charge the battery to full.
4) Wait for 2 Hrs.
But doing all that the battery is 96% charge. please tell me the which parameters are need to changes in my parameter file please help me out.


Shalini Patil

(R & D Engineer)

  • battery parameters are following

    [Voltage(1st Level Safety)]
    COV Threshold = 4450
    COV Recovery = 4200
    CUV Threshold = 3010
    CUV Recovery = 3060
    [Current(1st Level Safety)]
    OC (1st Tier) Chg = 6000
    OC (1st Tier) Dsg = 6000
    Current Recovery Time = 8
    AFE OC Dsg = 12
    AFE OC Dsg Time = 0F
    AFE SC Chg Cfg = 77
    AFE SC Dsg Cfg = 77
    [Temperature(1st Level Safety)]
    Over Temp Chg = 55.0
    OT Chg Recovery = 50.0
    Over Temp Dsg = 60.0
    OT Dsg Recovery = 55.0

    [Voltage(2nd Level Safety)]
    SOV Threshold = 18000
    SOV Time = 0
    Cell Imbalance Current = 5
    Cell Imbalance Fail Voltage = 1000
    Cell Imbalance Time = 0
    Battery Rest Time = 1800
    [Current(2nd Level Safety)]
    SOC Chg = 10000
    SOC Chg Time = 0
    SOC Dsg = 10000
    SOC Dsg Time = 0
    [Temperature(2nd Level Safety)]
    SOT Chg = 65.0
    SOT Chg Time = 0
    SOT Dsg = 75.0
    SOT Dsg Time = 0
    [FET Verification(2nd Level Safety)]
    FET Fail Time = 0
    [AFE Verification(2nd Level Safety)]
    AFE Fail Limit = 10

    [Charge Inhibit Cfg(Charge Control)]
    Chg Inhibit Temp Low = 0.0
    Chg Inhibit Temp High = 50.0
    [Pre-Charge Cfg(Charge Control)]
    Pre-chg Current = 250
    Pre-chg Temp = 12.0
    Pre-chg Voltage = 3000
    Recovery Voltage = 3100
    [Fast Charge Cfg(Charge Control)]
    Fast Charge Current = 850
    Charging Voltage = 16800
    Suspend Low Temp = -5.0
    Suspend High Temp = 55.0
    [Termination Cfg.(Charge Control)]
    Taper Current = 250
    Taper Voltage = 300
    TCA Clear % = 95
    FC Set % = 100
    FC Clear % = 98
    [Cell Balancing Cfg(Charge Control)]
    Min Cell Deviation = 1750
    [Charging Faults(Charge Control)]
    Over Charge Capacity = 300

    [Data(SBS Configuration)]
    Rem Cap Alarm = 300
    Rem Energy Alarm = 4320
    Rem Time Alarm = 10
    Init Battery Mode = 0081
    Design Voltage = 14400
    Spec Info = 0031
    Manuf Date = 21-May-2019
    Ser. Num. = 0001
    Cycle Count = 0
    CC Threshold = 2340
    CF MaxError Limit = 100
    Design Capacity = 2500
    Design Energy = 36000
    Manuf Name = EMS_V165
    Device Name = bq34z950
    Device Chemistry = LION
    [Configuration(SBS Configuration)]
    TDA Set % = 6
    TDA Clear % = 8
    FD Set % = 2
    FD Clear % = 5
    TDA Set Volt Threshold = 5000
    TDA Set Volt Time = 0
    TDA Clear Volt = 5500

    [Integrity Data(System Data)]
    Reset Counter Partial = 0
    Reset Counter Full = 198
    [Manufacturer Info(System Data)]
    Manuf. Info = 0123456789ABCDEF0123

    Operation Cfg A = 0329
    Operation Cfg B = 2448
    Operation Cfg C = 0001
    Permanent Fail Cfg = 0000
    Non-Removable Cfg = 0000
    AFE PMS Threshold = 5500

    [LED Cfg(LED Support)]
    LED Flash Period = 512
    LED Blink Period = 1024
    LED Delay = 100
    LED Hold Time = 4
    CHG Flash Alarm = 10
    CHG Thresh 1 = 0
    CHG Thresh 2 = 20
    CHG Thresh 3 = 40
    CHG Thresh 4 = 60
    CHG Thresh 5 = 80
    DSG Flash Alarm = 10
    DSG Thresh 1 = 0
    DSG Thresh 2 = 20
    DSG Thresh 3 = 40
    DSG Thresh 4 = 60
    DSG Thresh 5 = 80
    Sink Current = 3

    Flash Update OK Voltage = 7500
    Shutdown Voltage = 12050
    Charger Present = 3000
    Wake Current Reg = 00

    [IT Cfg(Gas Gauging)]
    Load Select = 3
    Load Mode = 0
    Term Voltage = 12000
    User Rate-mA = 0
    User Rate-mW = 0
    Reserve Cap-mAh = 0
    Reserve Cap-mWh = 0
    [Current Thresholds(Gas Gauging)]
    Dsg Current Threshold = 50
    Chg Current Threshold = 250
    Quit Current = 10
    [State(Gas Gauging)]
    Qmax Cell 0 = 2469
    Qmax Cell 1 = 2481
    Qmax Cell 2 = 2482
    Qmax Cell 3 = 2485
    Qmax Pack = 2469
    Update Status = 06
    Delta Voltage = 4

    [R_a0(Ra Table)]
    Cell0 R_a flag = 0000
    Cell0 R_a 0 = 41
    Cell0 R_a 1 = 50
    Cell0 R_a 2 = 73
    Cell0 R_a 3 = 98
    Cell0 R_a 4 = 99
    Cell0 R_a 5 = 96
    Cell0 R_a 6 = 101
    Cell0 R_a 7 = 149
    Cell0 R_a 8 = 181
    Cell0 R_a 9 = 235
    Cell0 R_a 10 = 310
    Cell0 R_a 11 = 417
    Cell0 R_a 12 = 447
    Cell0 R_a 13 = 684
    Cell0 R_a 14 = 994
    [R_a1(Ra Table)]
    Cell1 R_a flag = 0000
    Cell1 R_a 0 = 51
    Cell1 R_a 1 = 51
    Cell1 R_a 2 = 75
    Cell1 R_a 3 = 102
    Cell1 R_a 4 = 102
    Cell1 R_a 5 = 99
    Cell1 R_a 6 = 103
    Cell1 R_a 7 = 149
    Cell1 R_a 8 = 188
    Cell1 R_a 9 = 244
    Cell1 R_a 10 = 320
    Cell1 R_a 11 = 430
    Cell1 R_a 12 = 468
    Cell1 R_a 13 = 707
    Cell1 R_a 14 = 1037
    [R_a2(Ra Table)]
    Cell2 R_a flag = 0055
    Cell2 R_a 0 = 55
    Cell2 R_a 1 = 55
    Cell2 R_a 2 = 78
    Cell2 R_a 3 = 101
    Cell2 R_a 4 = 101
    Cell2 R_a 5 = 97
    Cell2 R_a 6 = 101
    Cell2 R_a 7 = 148
    Cell2 R_a 8 = 211
    Cell2 R_a 9 = 278
    Cell2 R_a 10 = 360
    Cell2 R_a 11 = 497
    Cell2 R_a 12 = 532
    Cell2 R_a 13 = 62
    Cell2 R_a 14 = 93
    [R_a3(Ra Table)]
    Cell3 R_a flag = 0000
    Cell3 R_a 0 = 52
    Cell3 R_a 1 = 56
    Cell3 R_a 2 = 79
    Cell3 R_a 3 = 102
    Cell3 R_a 4 = 104
    Cell3 R_a 5 = 102
    Cell3 R_a 6 = 105
    Cell3 R_a 7 = 156
    Cell3 R_a 8 = 188
    Cell3 R_a 9 = 241
    Cell3 R_a 10 = 316
    Cell3 R_a 11 = 429
    Cell3 R_a 12 = 461
    Cell3 R_a 13 = 439
    Cell3 R_a 14 = 641
    [R_a0x(Ra Table)]
    xCell0 R_a flag = 0055
    xCell0 R_a 0 = 41
    xCell0 R_a 1 = 50
    xCell0 R_a 2 = 73
    xCell0 R_a 3 = 98
    xCell0 R_a 4 = 99
    xCell0 R_a 5 = 96
    xCell0 R_a 6 = 101
    xCell0 R_a 7 = 149
    xCell0 R_a 8 = 215
    xCell0 R_a 9 = 279
    xCell0 R_a 10 = 368
    xCell0 R_a 11 = 495
    xCell0 R_a 12 = 531
    xCell0 R_a 13 = 812
    xCell0 R_a 14 = 1181
    [R_a1x(Ra Table)]
    xCell1 R_a flag = 0055
    xCell1 R_a 0 = 51
    xCell1 R_a 1 = 51
    xCell1 R_a 2 = 75
    xCell1 R_a 3 = 102
    xCell1 R_a 4 = 102
    xCell1 R_a 5 = 99
    xCell1 R_a 6 = 103
    xCell1 R_a 7 = 149
    xCell1 R_a 8 = 215
    xCell1 R_a 9 = 279
    xCell1 R_a 10 = 366
    xCell1 R_a 11 = 492
    xCell1 R_a 12 = 535
    xCell1 R_a 13 = 809
    xCell1 R_a 14 = 1186
    [R_a2x(Ra Table)]
    xCell2 R_a flag = 0000
    xCell2 R_a 0 = 55
    xCell2 R_a 1 = 55
    xCell2 R_a 2 = 78
    xCell2 R_a 3 = 101
    xCell2 R_a 4 = 101
    xCell2 R_a 5 = 97
    xCell2 R_a 6 = 101
    xCell2 R_a 7 = 148
    xCell2 R_a 8 = 186
    xCell2 R_a 9 = 245
    xCell2 R_a 10 = 317
    xCell2 R_a 11 = 438
    xCell2 R_a 12 = 469
    xCell2 R_a 13 = 55
    xCell2 R_a 14 = 82
    [R_a3x(Ra Table)]
    xCell3 R_a flag = 0055
    xCell3 R_a 0 = 52
    xCell3 R_a 1 = 56
    xCell3 R_a 2 = 79
    xCell3 R_a 3 = 102
    xCell3 R_a 4 = 104
    xCell3 R_a 5 = 102
    xCell3 R_a 6 = 105
    xCell3 R_a 7 = 156
    xCell3 R_a 8 = 228
    xCell3 R_a 9 = 292
    xCell3 R_a 10 = 383
    xCell3 R_a 11 = 520
    xCell3 R_a 12 = 559
    xCell3 R_a 13 = 532
    xCell3 R_a 14 = 777

    [Device Status Data(PF Status)]
    PF Flags 1 = 0000
    PF Flags 2 = 0000

    CC Gain = 5.92
    CC Delta = 5.92
    Ref Voltage = 1225.45
    AFE Pack Gain = 763.67
    CC Offset = -0.233
    Board Offset = -21.3
    Int Temp Offset = 0.0
    Ext1 Temp Offset = -.8
    Ext2 Temp Offset = 0.0
    CC Current = 3000
    Voltage Signal = 16800
    Temp Signal = 298.0
    CC Offset Time = 250
    ADC Offset Time = 32
    CC Gain Time = 250
    Voltage Time = 1984
    Temperature Time = 32
    Cal Mode Timeout = 300
    [Temp Model(Calibration)]
    Ext Coef 1 = -28285
    Ext Coef 2 = 20848
    Ext Coef 3 = -7537
    Ext Coef 4 = 401.2
    Ext Min AD = 0
    Ext Max Temp = 401.2
    Int Coef 1 = 0
    Int Coef 2 = 0
    Int Coef 3 = -11136
    Int Coef 4 = 575.4
    Int Min AD = 0
    Int Max Temp = 575.4
    Filter = 239
    Deadband = 3
    CC Deadband = 10.0

    [bq2050 Config(DQ Communication)]
    bq20z753 Configuration = 10
    Pins Pulled Down = 20
    Pins Pulled Up = 05
    Resistor Divider Gain = 6
    mV to mAhr Scale = 640
    AutoCal per Sleep = 0
    BR_Low = 2700
    BR_RC = 1000
    Wr0_Low = 1775
    Wr0_RC = 1225
    Wr1_Low = 550
    Wr1_RC = 2451
    Rd0_Low = 1150
    Rd1_Low = 1100
    Rd_TO = 0
    RD_RS = 300
    Wr_0_to_1_Delay = 100
    SlaveRsp_Delay = 3020
  • Hi Shalini,

    Are you reading absolute state of charge or relative state of charge?

    The RSOCL bit is set in Operation Cfg C. Please ensure that you are reaching valid charge termination. Try changing FC Set % = -1 to terminate from the taper.

    Bryan Kahler
  • Hello Bryan
    Thanks for reply but by full charge status disable is it possible my battery 100% charge after relax time. I will try but Please help to resolve this problem.
  • Hi Shalini,

    I apologize if the above statement was confusing. Change the FC Set % = -1 so the devices detects full charge from taper current instead of SOC %. Rerun your test and see if the issue is ameliorated.

    If the issue persists, please let us know and share the log data from the test as well as the amended gg.csv file.

    Bryan Kahler
  • Hello Bryan Kahler,
    Thanks for reply, I try this but no effect and also my battery not 100% charge it stop charging at 97% can you please send me parameter file for 4 cell series battery 14.8 V, 2600 mAh resolve my problem
  • Hi Shalini,

    Please send the log of the test in 1 sec intervals so it may be examined. Thank you!

    Bryan Kahler
  • EXPORT_LOG.logHello Bryan kahler

    When battery  charging from 0% then it charge 100% if my battery is 90%  and I want to charge it then it stop charging at 97%. can you please help me, how to resolve this issue. the log file is attached.

  • Hello Bryan kahler

    When battery  charging from 0% then it charge 100% if my battery is 90%  and I want to charge it then it stop charging at 97%. can you please help me, how to resolve this issue. the log file is attached.6521.EXPORT_LOG.log

  • Shalini,

    Looking at your logs, you have only sent us the dsg portion. Please send us a 1s log with both chg and dsg. Theoretically once you have learned, it is possible to stop charge at exactly 7%. However, in real life, the RSOC depedns on DOD, this value will change depending on the OCV during relaxation. That is not under your control and therefore the gauge may be off by a percent or more. To hit 100% chg on charge termination, please set FC = -1 as mentioned before.

    You need to relax the battery and make sure that VOK is cleared before the start of charge.
  • Hi Shalini,

    What are you trying to show me with this log?  I only see a partial snippet.  

    Please send a full log of an empty rested cell followed by full charge and a rest, then fully discharge the cell and allow it to rest.  Please ensure that this log shows the undesirable behavior.


    Bryan Kahler

  • Hello Batt,

    Thanks for your reply I will send you battery charging log file are relax it for 2 hours after that send you battery discharging log file.


    shalini Patil

  • Hello Bryan kahler
    Thanks for reply and Sorry for inconvenience, battery charge 100% after relax time I discharge the battery and generate log file. I will send you full battery charge, discharge log file.
    shalini patil
  • Hi Shalini,

    Thanks.  Look forward to seeing the results.

    Bryan Kahler

  • Hello Bryan kehler,

    I am Sending you battery charging log file and battery  Discharge log file, When battery charge from 0% to 100% then after relax time it 95% and if my battery is 90%  and I want to charge it then it stop charging at 97%. can you please help me, how to resolve this issue. the log file is attached.chg.logDsg.log

  • Hi Shalini,

    Thank you for sending the log.  I'm currently out of the office (on-site visits), but will be back and able to provide an update by end of the day Monday of next week.

    Bryan Kahler

  • Hello Bryan kahler,

    Thanks for your reply, I will Waiting for the solution.

    Shalini Patil
    (R & D Engineer)
  • Hello Bryan Kahler,
     I am still waiting for your solution with respect to chg - dsg log file, Can you please send me standard parameter file for 4 cell series battery 14.8 V, 2200 mAh to simply resolve my problem.

  • Hi Shalini,

    Unfortunately, there isn't a standard file. The gauge comes with default values programmed in. The chemID must then be determined and programmed into the device.  Then, other parameters in the gauge must be set for those ranges that are not default, such as the cell terminate voltage, capacity, etc...

    For setting these parameters up,

    The request above to stop charging at 97% SOC will be difficult for the gauge as SOC is set to be 100% at full charge and when the full charge flag sets.

    The max charge voltage may be decreased if you do not wish to run the battery to its maximal limits.


    Bryan Kahler